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16. An Overview to Objections
Objection BackgroundA legal objection is raised by an attorney within a trial, with regard to a specific question or a piece of evidence introduced into that trial. Lawyers raise objections when they want that question or evidence to be disallowed from the trial as a whole. Objections generally have to be made on specific grounds, according to specific rules for procedure and c..
17. Being
The phrase “Beyond a reasonable doubt” refers to the standard of proof commonly observed and required in courts of law for the prosecution to establish that the defendant committed the offense claimed. If any reasonable doubt, or the similarly defined, more strictly demanding “shadow of a doubt,” is present in the case, then the prosecution’s case can be defeated.&nbs..
18. Civil Defense Overview

19. Definition of Litigation
It is difficult to define litigation as litigation is varied based on the civil wrong and needs of the plaintiff. There will some commonalties among all litigation cases, usually the presence of an injury or damage, the defendant not having concurrent criminal liability and a plaintiff seeking compensatory damages. Attorneys that deal with litigation will be varied ..
20. Filing a Complaint Against an Attorney

21. How to Appeal A Case with an Appeal Letter
If a defendant is not satisfied with the outcome of his/her criminal or civil trial, and if he/she has reason to believe that his/her rights were violated during the trial procedure, he/she can appeal the conviction. The appeal process is often initiated when the defense believes that some aspect of the trial was compromised in some way. In order for an individual to appea..
22. How to Litigate
Litigation is a broad legal concept that covers suing for damages to correct a civil wrong. This includes compensation for injury, breach of contract and also suing for assets in a divorce. Choosing to litigate is not always an easy decision, especially since you may be worried about prohibitive costs and the strengths of your case. Defending against litigatio..
23. Notice Of Intended Prosecution
A notice of intended prosecution is a legal reminder that is most commonly distributed in Great Britain. The purpose of a notice of intended prosecution is to inform the potential accused party or defendant that they may be prosecuted for the offense in question. When an individual receives a notice of intended prosecution it does not automatically necessitate a court appearanc..
24. Physical Evidence Overview

25. Quick Facts About Expungement
Expungement Defined: In the common law legal system in the United States, an expungement process refers to a type of lawsuit in which a first time offender seeks the records attached to the arrest be sealed, thereby making the documents unavailable through the state or Federal repositories. If expungement is granted, the records are said to be “expunged” meaning e..
26. What are Conditional Sentences?

27. What Does it Mean to be a Victim?
What is a Victim?With regard to general terminology, a Victim is defined as an individual – or individuals – who suffer as a result of the actions of another entity. The suffering expressed in the definition of a ‘Victim’ can range from a multitude of varieties, which can include damage to personal property, bodily injury and harm, mental or psychological anguish, emoti..
28. What to Expect in the Court Trial Process

29. What to Know About Assault Charges
In the United States of America, assault charges are usually filed in conjunction with battery charges. Contrary to what might be thought, the actual contact is covered under the battery charge. Assault charges account for the apprehension an individual has over the physical contact. Criminal battery can be charged independent of assault charges if the victim is sleeping, ..
30. What to Know About Cash For Structured Settlements
Structured settlement will always entail some sort of period payment plan in which the injuring party will render the compensation agreed upon to the defendant or claimant. Structured settlements can employ several different options, such as monthly payments, quarterly payments, annual payments, and even biannual payments. In many cases, the periodic payments will prove to simp..