Part 2 - (245 - 285) LIBRARIES
- 245 - State library, how constituted.
- 246 - State medical library.
- 247 - State law library; legislative reference library.
- 248 - Manuscript and records "on file".
- 249 - State library, when open; use of books.
- 249-A - Libraries of public institutions of higher education; access and use.
- 250 - Duplicate department.
- 251 - Transfers from state officers.
- 252 - Other libraries owned by the state.
- 253 - Public and association libraries and museums.
- 254 - Standards of library service.
- 255 - Establishment of a public library.
- 256 - Contracts.
- 257 - Acceptance of conditional gift.
- 258 - Closing of museum; admission fee during certain hours.
- 258-A - Purchases by museums, historical societies, zoological gardens, aquariums, botanical gardens and arboreta through office of general services.
- 259 - Library taxes.
- 260 - Trustees.
- 260-A - Meetings of board of trustees.
- 260-B - Reduction of salaries for purchase of annuities.
- 260-C - Reduction of salaries for tax-deferred annuities.
- 261 - Incorporation.
- 262 - Use of public and Indian libraries.
- 263 - Reports.
- 264 - Injuries to property.
- 265 - Detention.
- 265-A - Defense of lawful detention.
- 266 - Transfer of libraries.
- 267 - Local neglect.
- 268 - Abolition.
- 269 - Library extension service.
- 270 - Acceptance of surplus library books or property.
- 271 - Apportionment of state aid to Indian libraries.
- 272 - Conditions under which library systems are entitled to state aid.
- 273 - Apportionment of state aid to libraries and library systems.
- 273-A - State aid for library construction.
- 274 - Use and care of school library.
- 275 - Librarians of school libraries.
- 276 - Existing rules continued in force.
- 277 - Authority to raise and receive money for school library.
- 278 - Authority to transfer school library property to a free library.
- 279 - Fees.
- 280 - Penalty for disobedience to library law, rules or orders.
- 281 - Loans and extensions of credit to infants.
- 282 - Establishment of school library systems.
- 283 - Functions of school library systems.
- 284 - State aid for school library systems.
- 285 - State aid for cooperation with correctional facilities.