259 - Library taxes.

§  259.  Library  taxes.  1.  a. Taxes, in addition to those otherwise  authorized, may be voted for library purposes by any authority named  in  section  two hundred fifty-five of this part and shall, unless otherwise  directed by such vote, be considered as annual  appropriations  therefor  until  changed by further vote and shall be levied and collected yearly,  or as directed, as are other general taxes. In  the  case  of  a  school  district  the  appropriation  for library purposes shall be submitted to  the voters of the district as proposed by the library board of  trustees  in  a  separate  resolution  and shall not be submitted as a part of the  appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimated  expenditures  of  the  school district. All moneys received from taxes or other public  sources for library purposes shall be kept as a separate library fund by  the treasurer of the municipality or district making  the  appropriation  and  shall  be  expended only under direction of the library trustees on  properly authenticated vouchers, except that money received  from  taxes  and  other  public sources for the support of a public library or a free  association library or a cooperative library system shall be  paid  over  to  the treasurer of such library or cooperative library system upon the  written demand of its trustees. All such moneys paid over  to  a  public  library  treasurer shall be deposited and secured in the manner provided  by section ten of the general municipal law and the library trustees  or  the  library treasurer, if the trustees shall delegate such duty to him,  may invest such moneys in the manner provided by section eleven of  such  law.    b.  (1)  Except  as  provided  in  subparagraph two of this paragraph,  whenever qualified voters of a municipality, in a  number  equal  to  at  least  ten  per  centum  of  the  total  number  of  votes  cast in such  municipality for governor at the last gubernatorial election,  shall  so  petition  and  the library board of trustees shall endorse, the question  of establishing or increasing  the  amount  of  funding  of  the  annual  contribution  for  the  operating  budget of a registered public or free  association library by such municipality to  a  sum  specified  in  said  petition,  shall  be  voted  on  at  the  next  general election of such  municipality, provided that due public notice  of  the  proposed  action  shall  have been given. An increase in library funding provided pursuant  to this paragraph shall not apply to a municipal budget adopted prior to  the date of such election.    (2) Solely for the purposes of this paragraph, the term "municipality"  shall:    (i) not include a city with a population of one million or more,    (ii) mean only a county when the  public  libraries  located  in  such  county  are  members  of a federated public library system whose central  library is located in  a  city  of  more  than  three  hundred  thousand  inhabitants.    2.  In the case of a joint public library authorized to be established  by two or more municipalities  or  districts  pursuant  to  section  two  hundred  fifty-five  of  this  chapter,  the  governing  bodies  of  the  participating municipalities and districts shall enter into an agreement  designating the treasurer of one of the participating municipalities  or  districts to be the treasurer of the joint public library. The agreement  shall be for a period of not less than one year nor more than five years  and  the  state  comptroller  and the commissioner of education shall be  notified in writing by the board of library trustees of  such  agreement  and designation.    The municipality or district whose treasurer is designated to serve as  treasurer  of a joint public library may be compensated for the services  rendered by such official to the library. The amount to be paid for such  services shall be determined by agreement between the governing body  ofthe  municipality  or  district  and  the board of library trustees, and  shall be paid at least annually from the public library fund.    3. The treasurer of a joint public library shall maintain the separate  library  fund  required  by  subdivision  one  of this section and shall  credit to such fund all moneys received. The state aid apportioned to  a  joint  public  library,  amounts appropriated by participants toward its  support and all amounts received from other sources shall be paid to the  library  treasurer.  Appropriations  for  the  library   made   by   the  participating  municipalities  or districts shall be paid in full to the  library treasurer within sixty days after the beginning of  the  library  fiscal year.    Disbursements  for purposes of a joint public library shall be made by  the treasurer in the  manner  prescribed  in  subdivision  one  of  this  section.    Within  thirty  days  after the close of the fiscal year the treasurer  shall make an annual report of the receipt and disbursement  of  library  moneys  to  the  board  of library trustees and to the governing body of  each of the participating municipalities or districts.    4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions  one  and  three  of  this  section,  the library trustees may by resolution establish a petty  cash fund, in such amount as they shall determine, for any employee  who  has supervision of any library or branch thereof. Expenditures from such  fund  may  be  made  by such employee in advance of audit by the library  trustees, but  only  after  the  submission  of  properly  itemized  and  authenticated  vouchers for materials, supplies or services furnished to  the library or branch thereof and upon terms calling for payment to  the  vendor  upon  the  delivery  of  any  such  materials or supplies or the  rendering of any such services. At each meeting of the library  trustees  a list of all expenditures made from such fund since the last meeting of  the  trustees,  together with the vouchers supporting such expenditures,  shall be presented  by  such  employee  to  the  library  trustees.  The  trustees shall direct the treasurer to reimburse such petty cash fund in  an  amount  equal to the total of such bills which the trustees shall so  allow. Any of such bills or any portion of such bills which the  library  trustees  shall  refuse to allow shall be the personal liability of such  employee and he shall promptly reimburse such petty  cash  fund  in  the  amount of such disallowances. If such reimbursement has not been made by  the  time  of  the  first  payment  of salary to such employee after the  action of the library trustees in disallowing  an  amount  so  expended,  such  amount shall be withheld from such salary payment to such employee  and, if necessary, subsequent salary payments and paid into  such  petty  cash fund until an amount so disallowed by the library trustees has been  repaid in full to the petty cash fund.