273 - Apportionment of state aid to libraries and library systems.

§ 273. Apportionment of state aid to libraries and library systems. 1.  Any  public  library  system  providing  service  under an approved plan  during a calendar year shall be entitled to receive during that calendar  year state aid consisting of the following amounts:    a. An annual grant of:    (1) Ten thousand dollars where the library system serves less than one  county, or    (2) Twenty thousand dollars where the library system serves one entire  county, or    (3) Where the library system serves more than one  county  the  system  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  twenty-five  thousand dollars for each  entire county served and/or ten thousand dollars for  each  county,  any  part  of  which  is served by the library system. If an entire county is  served by two or more library systems,  each  of  which  serves  a  part  thereof,  each  of  such  library systems shall be entitled to receive a  grant of ten thousand dollars and in addition, a pro rata  share  of  an  additional  sum  of  ten  thousand dollars, such share to be computed in  accordance with the ratio which the population of the area of the county  served by such library system bears  to  the  total  population  of  the  county,  as  determined  under  subdivision  one  of section two hundred  seventy-two of this article.    b. In a library system which submits a plan for further development of  its central library, which plan shall be approved by the commissioner in  relation to standards for such central libraries, the amount of  central  library development aid shall be:    (1) thirty-two cents per capita of the population within the chartered  area  of  service  of  such  library system with a minimum amount of one  hundred five thousand dollars, and    (2) an additional seventy-one thousand five  hundred  dollars  to  the  library  system  for  the  purchase  of  books  and  materials including  nonprint materials, as defined in regulations of the  commissioner,  for  its  central  library.  Ownership  of  library  materials  and equipment  purchased with such central library aid provided by this paragraph shall  be vested in the public library system.    c. The sum of ninety-four cents per capita of population of  the  area  served.    d.  (1)  An  amount  equal  to the amount by which expenditures by the  library system for books, periodicals, binding  and  nonprint  materials  during  the  preceding  fiscal  year  exceeds  forty cents per capita of  population of the area served but the total  apportionment  pursuant  to  this  subparagraph  shall  not  exceed  sixty-eight  cents per capita of  population served. In the first year in which any library system changes  its reporting from the calendar year to a fiscal  year  other  than  the  calendar  year,  it shall file any additional reporting schedules deemed  necessary by the commissioner for the purpose of determining  state  aid  for the calendar year.    (2)  Each  public library system with an automation program to support  bibliographic control and interlibrary sharing of information  resources  of  member  libraries,  and  to  coordinate  and integrate the automated  system or systems of such member libraries consistent  with  regulations  of  the  commissioner,  shall  be eligible to receive an amount equal to  seven  percent  of  the  amount  earned  in  subparagraph  one  of  this  paragraph,  or  seventy-six  thousand five hundred dollars, whichever is  more.    e. The sum of fifty-two dollars per square mile of area served by  the  library  system  in  the  case  of library systems serving one county or  less. Such sum shall be increased by five dollars  for  each  additional  entire  county served, provided, however, that no apportionment pursuantto this paragraph shall exceed seventy-two dollars per  square  mile  of  area  served.  If  an  entire  county  is  served by two or more library  systems, each of which serves a  part  thereof,  each  of  such  library  systems shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the aid computed in  accordance  with  the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, a pro rata  share of an increase of five dollars to be computed as follows: the  sum  resulting  from  the computation of five dollars per square mile of area  served by the one of  such  library  systems  which  would  receive  the  largest  amount  of  aid  pursuant  to this paragraph shall be pro rated  among the library systems serving such county  in  accordance  with  the  ratio  which  the  population of the area served by each of such library  systems bears to the  population  of  the  county  as  determined  under  subdivision one of section two hundred seventy-two of this article.    f.  (1) Local library services aid. Except in cities with a population  in excess of one million  inhabitants,  each  chartered  and  registered  public  and  free  association  library  meeting  standards  of  service  promulgated by the commissioner, and each  public  or  free  association  library serving a city with a population of one hundred thousand or more  which  merged with the public library system on or before January first,  nineteen hundred  seventy-six  and  which  meets  standards  of  service  promulgated  by  the commissioner, shall be eligible to receive annually  thirty-one cents per capita of the population of the library's chartered  service area as on file with the commissioner on January  first  of  the  calendar  year for which aid is payable, or, thirty-one cents per capita  of the population of the city with a population of one hundred  thousand  or  more whose public or free association library merged with the public  library system on or before January first, nineteen hundred seventy-six,  with a minimum amount of one thousand five hundred dollars, except  that  no  library shall receive less than the amount of local library services  aid received in two thousand one. Regulations of the commissioner  shall  provide  a method for establishing changes in chartered service areas or  determining populations thereof. Local library  services  aid  shall  be  paid to the system for distribution within thirty days of receipt to its  member  libraries  in  accordance with this subdivision. Notwithstanding  any contrary provisions of this  subparagraph,  the  commissioner  shall  establish  procedures  under  which a public or free association library  may apply for a waiver of the requirements of the standards of  service;  provided, however, that any such waivers may only be granted in the same  year in which the commissioner has apportioned a reduction adjustment.    (2)  Local services support aid. Except in cities with a population in  excess of one million inhabitants, each public library system  operating  under  an approved plan of service shall be eligible to receive annually  local services support aid equal  to  two-thirds  of  the  total  dollar  amount paid in local library services aid to the member libraries of the  system  plus  thirty-one cents per capita of the system's population who  do not reside within the chartered service area of a member library.    (3) Local consolidated systems aid. In cities  with  a  population  in  excess  of one million inhabitants, each public library system operating  under an approved plan of service shall be eligible to receive  annually  local  consolidated  system aid equal to the sum of (i) thirty-one cents  per capita of the population served by the system, but not less than the  amount of local library  incentive  aid  received  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-one  as  reported  on  the  library's nineteen hundred ninety-one  annual report; and (ii) an additional amount equal to two-thirds of  the  total  dollar  amount  computed for the system pursuant to clause (i) of  this subparagraph.    g. In addition to the sums otherwise provided in paragraphs a,  b,  c,  d,  e, f, h and i of this subdivision, the New York Public Library shallreceive  an  amount  equal  to  its  actual  expenditures   for   books,  periodicals  and  binding  for its research libraries which expenditures  are not otherwise  reimbursed  or  seven  hundred  sixty-seven  thousand  dollars,  whichever  is less, and the additional sum of five million six  hundred forty-nine thousand six hundred dollars for the general  support  of  such  research  libraries. In addition to any other sums provided to  such library, the sum of two million dollars shall be  payable  annually  to  the  New  York  Public  Library  for  the general support of library  services provided by the New York Public Library to the students of  the  City  University of New York and the sum of one million dollars shall be  payable annually to the New York Public Library for the general  support  of its science, industry and business library.    h. (1) Coordinated outreach services. Each public library system which  provides  coordinated outreach services, as defined by regulations to be  promulgated by  the  commissioner,  to  persons  who  are  educationally  disadvantaged or who are members of ethnic or minority groups in need of  special  library  services,  or  who  are  unemployed and in need of job  placement assistance, or who live in areas underserved by a library,  or  who  are  blind,  physically  disabled,  have  developmental or learning  disabilities, or who are aged or  confined  in  institutions,  shall  be  entitled  to  receive annually forty-three thousand dollars and thirteen  cents per capita of the total population of the area served.    (2) Adult literacy grants. The commissioner shall award annual  grants  for  approved  expenses  for  library-based programs conducted by public  library systems and public and  free  association  libraries  which  are  members  of  a  public library system to assist adults to increase their  literacy  skills.  The  commissioner  shall  award  such  grants  having  determined  that such programs are being operated in direct coordination  with local public schools, colleges and other  organizations  which  are  operating  similar  adult  literacy  programs.  Annual  state aid of two  hundred thousand dollars shall be awarded for grants in accordance  with  regulations  promulgated  by  the  commissioner.  Ninety  percent of the  amount of any such adult literacy grant shall be payable to the  library  or  system  upon approval by the department. The final ten percent shall  be payable upon completion of the project.    (3) Family literacy grants. The commissioner shall award annual grants  for approved expenses for library-based  family  literacy  programs  for  pre-school and school age children and their parents conducted by public  library  systems  and  public  libraries  and free association libraries  which are members of a public library system. Annual state aid of  three  hundred  thousand dollars for grants shall be awarded in accordance with  regulations promulgated by  the  commissioner.  Ninety  percent  of  the  amount of any such family literacy grant shall be payable to the library  or  system  upon approval by the department. The final ten percent shall  be payable upon completion of the project.    i. In addition to any other sums provided for such purposes,  the  New  York  Public  Library  shall  receive  annually the sum of seven hundred  thirty-four thousand dollars for the program of the Schomburg center for  research in black culture,  and  the  additional  sum  of  nine  hundred  eighty-four  thousand  dollars  for  the  program of the library for the  blind and physically handicapped.    j. In addition to any other sums provided to such library, the sum  of  two  hundred  fifty  thousand  dollars shall be paid annually to the New  York Historical Society for making its library services available to the  public.    k. In addition to any other sums provided to such library the  sum  of  three  hundred  fifty  thousand dollars shall be payable annually to the  Brooklyn Public Library for its business library for each calendar year.l. In addition to any other sums provided to such library, the sum  of  fifty thousand dollars shall be payable annually to the Buffalo and Erie  County  Public  Library  for a continuity of service project approved by  the commissioner for each calendar year.    m.  In addition to any other sums provided to such library system, the  sum of thirty thousand dollars shall be payable annually to  the  Nassau  library  system  for  a  continuity  of  service project approved by the  commissioner for each calendar year.    n. The minimum annual  grant  available  to  a  library  system  under  paragraphs  a,  c  and  e  and  subparagraph  one of paragraph d of this  subdivision shall be six hundred seventy-five thousand dollars.    2. Within the amounts appropriated therefor moneys paid  out  pursuant  to  this  section  shall  be  paid out of the state treasury on vouchers  certified by the commissioner after audit by and upon the warrant of the  comptroller.    3. The commissioner may waive the requirement that  a  public  library  system  serve  an  entire  county to earn the maximum annual grant under  subparagraphs two and three of paragraph a of subdivision  one  of  this  section  and paragraphs b, c, e and h of subdivision one of this section  where the commissioner deems reasonable effort  has  been  made  by  the  system to encourage membership by all libraries in the county.    4.  Reference  and research library resources system. a. Any reference  and  research  library  resources  system  providing  service  under  an  approved plan during a calendar year shall be entitled to receive annual  state  aid consisting of an annual grant of two hundred seventy thousand  dollars plus the sum of one dollar and fifty cents per  square  mile  of  area  served  plus  the sum of six cents per capita of the population of  the area served. Each system may  annually  appropriate  funds  received  under  this  provision  to  obtain  matching  funds  from  the  National  Endowment for the Humanities in the United States Newspaper Program. The  annual amount payable to each approved system under this paragraph shall  be payable on or before July  first,  provided  that,  upon  receipt  of  annual  system  activity  reports  satisfactory to the commissioner, the  commissioner shall determine the amount of any  under-  or  overpayments  and  shall  apply  such  adjustment  to the next annual payment due such  system.    b. The commissioner is hereby authorized to expend up to five  hundred  six  thousand  dollars  annually  in  each  state fiscal year to provide  formula grants to approved  reference  and  research  library  resources  systems  for  provision  of  consumer  health  and  medical  information  services for all types of libraries and  library  systems.  Such  grants  shall  assist  libraries  in  providing  access  to  timely and accurate  medical and health information for medical personnel and for the general  public. In addition to any other sum provided in this subdivision,  each  reference  and research library resources system providing service under  an approved plan with a consumer health and medical library  information  services program for all types of libraries and library systems shall be  eligible  to  receive an annual formula grant. Such formula grants shall  be determined  on  the  basis  of  criteria  to  be  prescribed  by  the  commissioner.  The  commissioner shall provide the annual amount payable  to each approved system under this paragraph in the following manner:    (1) Funds shall be available to each reference  and  research  library  resources  system  in  such  manner  as  to insure that the ratio of the  amount each system is eligible to receive equals the weighted  ratio  of  the  total number of institutions as defined in subparagraph two of this  paragraph in the region served by the system to the total number of such  institutions in the state.(2) For the purposes of determining the amount of funds  available  to  each system, institutions and their weightings are as follows:    (i)  not-for-profit  hospitals  licensed  by the New York state health  department, with a weighting of two;    (ii) for-profit teaching hospitals licensed  by  the  New  York  state  health department, with an additional weighting of one; and    (iii)   member  institutions  of  a  reference  and  research  library  resources system,  excluding  public  and  hospital  libraries,  with  a  weighting of one.    c.  (1)  The  commissioner  is  hereby  authorized to expend up to one  million three hundred ninety-six thousand dollars in each  state  fiscal  year  to  provide  formula  grants  to  approved  reference and research  library resources systems for provision of services to  member  hospital  libraries  in  not-for-profit  hospitals  licensed by the New York state  health department, or to member libraries serving such  hospitals.  Such  formula  grants  shall  be  determined  on  the  basis of criteria to be  developed by the commissioner and shall assist member hospital libraries  or  member  libraries  serving  hospitals  in  meeting   the   standards  established  by  the  regents  in  accordance  with  section two hundred  fifty-four  of  this  article.  Such  formula   grants   shall   support  integration  of  member  hospital  libraries or member libraries serving  hospitals into existing networks.    (2) The  commissioner  shall  provide  grants  to  the  reference  and  research library resources systems in the following manner:    (a)  an  amount  equal  to  seventy-five cents per square mile of area  served  by  the  reference  and  research  library  resource  system  in  furtherance of the purposes of this paragraph, and    (b) the remainder for library services to hospitals in accordance with  regulations of the commissioner adopted for such purpose.    5. Coordinated collection development program for public and nonprofit  independent colleges and universities.    a.   Libraries  of  public  and  nonprofit  independent  colleges  and  universities are entitled to receive annual funding  for  a  coordinated  collection development grant if they meet the following conditions:    (1) Membership in a reference and research library resources system,    (2)  Their  resources  are  made available to the public, through full  participation in  the  interlibrary  loan  and  other  resource  sharing  programs of the reference and research library resources system of which  they are members, and    (3) They meet the requirements set forth in regulations adopted by the  commissioner including but not confined to    (a) maintenance of effort,    (b)  relationships  between  reference  and research library resources  systems' programs and the regional higher education master plan,    (c) submission of interlibrary loan statistics, and such other reports  as may be required by the commissioner.    b. Public and nonprofit independent  colleges  and  universities  with  libraries which meet the criteria of paragraph a of this subdivision are  eligible for annual grants as follows:    (1) Four thousand four hundred dollars for each institution, and    (2)  One  dollar  and four cents for each full-time equivalent student  enrolled in each qualifying institution, in the academic year  completed  prior  to  the  state  fiscal  year.  For  purposes  of  this section, a  full-time equivalent shall be calculated as follows:    (i) one  full-time  undergraduate  student  shall  be  considered  one  full-time equivalent student;    (ii) one part-time undergraduate student shall be considered one-third  of a full-time equivalent student;(iii) one part-time graduate student shall be considered one full-time  equivalent student; and    (iv)  one  full-time  graduate  student  shall  be  considered one and  one-half of a full-time equivalent student.    c. Funds for the support of this program shall be appropriated to  the  department, except that funds for the state-operated institutions of the  state  university  of  New  York  and  the  senior  colleges of the city  university of New York, shall be appropriated to the state university of  New York out of any moneys in the state treasury in the general fund  to  the  credit  of  the state purposes fund not otherwise appropriated, and  funds shall be appropriated to the city university of New  York  out  of  any  moneys  in  the state treasury in the general fund to the credit of  the local assistance fund  not  otherwise  appropriated,  and  shall  be  subject  to  the same distribution formula as provided in paragraph b of  this subdivision.    6.  Regional  bibliographic  data  bases  and  interlibrary  resources  sharing.    a.  The  commissioner  shall  award  annually to each of the  approved nine reference and research  library  resources  systems,  from  funds  appropriated  by  the  legislature  for  an  annual  grant for an  automation program (i) to support bibliographic control and interlibrary  sharing of information  resources  among  all  types  of  libraries  and  library  systems  in  an  area  not  less  than  that of a reference and  research library resources system, and (ii) to coordinate and  integrate  the  automated  systems of the component member public library system or  systems, school library system or systems and  other  automated  systems  within  the area of the reference and research library resources system.  Each reference and research library  resources  system  of  such  region  shall  be  entitled  to  an annual grant of two hundred thousand dollars  plus the sum of two cents per capita of the population served.    b. To be eligible for a grant, each  reference  and  research  library  resources  system  shall  meet the requirements set forth in regulations  adopted by the commissioner which shall include  standards  relating  to  library  automation,  continuous  development  of  the  data  base,  and  updating, access and linking of the data base programs.  Each  reference  and research library resources system shall include in its approved plan  of service a description of a regional library automation program, which  shall  include all library systems in the region that are members of the  reference and research library resources system.    7. Conservation and preservation of library research materials. a. The  commissioner shall award in any state fiscal year an annual grant of one  hundred twenty-six thousand dollars for a program of conservation and/or  preservation of library research materials  to  each  of  the  following  comprehensive research libraries: Columbia university libraries, Cornell  university  libraries,  New  York  state  library,  New  York university  libraries,  university  of  Rochester  libraries,  Syracuse   university  libraries,  the research libraries of the New York public library, state  university of New York at Albany library, state university of  New  York  at  Binghamton library, state university of New York at Buffalo library,  and state university of New York at Stony Brook library.    b. To be eligible for such grants, each  such  comprehensive  research  library  must submit both a five-year plan and an annual program budget.  The plan must satisfy criteria to be established by the commissioner  in  regulations   relating   to   the  identification  of  library  research  materials, the need for their  preservation,  and  the  means  of  their  conservation.    c.  Additional grants, the sum of which shall not exceed three hundred  fifty thousand dollars in any state fiscal year, may be made to  any  or  all  of  the  eleven  comprehensive  research libraries for preservationand/or conservation of  library  research  materials  on  the  basis  of  project  proposals.  Approval  of  such  proposals, and determination of  funding level, shall be based upon their contribution to development  of  cooperative   programs   and/or   facilities   for  conservation  and/or  preservation works in the state,  including  but  not  limited  to  such  factors  as:  institutional  commitment  to  development of a collective  capacity and coordinated approach to conservation  and  preservation  of  research  materials important to the people of the state; research value  of materials  to  be  preserved  and/or  conserved;  appropriateness  of  conservation  and  preservation  techniques in accordance with statewide  planning and national standards; institutional capacity  for  successful  completion   of  the  project,  including  facilities,  experience,  and  technical expertise; availability of staff with appropriate training and  expertise; contribution of the institution to the  project  in  matching  funds and staff resources; and volume of interlibrary lending and access  to  holdings  by  the public. Ninety percent of each such grant shall be  payable upon approval by the department and the  remaining  ten  percent  shall be payable upon project completion.    d. Other agencies and libraries, as defined in regulations promulgated  by  the commissioner, which are not eligible for funding under paragraph  a of this subdivision, may receive separate  grants  the  sum  of  which  shall  not exceed five hundred thousand dollars in any state fiscal year  to support  the  preservation  and/or  conservation  of  unique  library  research  materials.  Such agencies and libraries shall submit proposals  which shall be evaluated and  determinations  of  approval  and  funding  shall  be  made  on  the  same  basis  set  forth in paragraph c of this  subdivision. Ninety percent of each such grant  shall  be  payable  upon  approval  by  the  department  and  the  remaining  ten percent shall be  payable upon project completion.    e. Funds made available under the provisions of this  section  may  be  used by comprehensive research libraries and other agencies eligible for  funding  to  obtain  matching  funds from the national endowment for the  humanities preservation program.    f. The commissioner shall establish  an  office  for  coordination  of  conservation  and/or  preservation  of  library  research  materials  to  identify the conservation and/or preservation needs of libraries  within  the  state, to assess the technology available for such conservation and  preservation,  and  to  coordinate  the  conservation  and  preservation  efforts resulting from this legislation.    8. New York state talking book and braille library. The New York state  talking  book  and braille library shall be entitled to receive annually  an amount equal to the product of the  aid  ceiling  multiplied  by  the  number  of  registered borrowers of such materials of such library as of  the November report for the November  immediately  preceding  the  state  fiscal  year  for  which  the payment will be made. Such amount shall be  used to improve the quality of services provided to such borrowers.  For  aid  payable  in  each state fiscal year, the aid ceiling per registered  borrower shall be nineteen dollars. Notwithstanding any other  provision  of law, the New York state talking book and braille library shall be the  successor  in  interest  to the New York state library for the blind and  visually handicapped for all purposes, or the library for the blind  and  physically  handicapped,  and  the  change  in name shall not affect the  rights or interests of any party. Except where the context  indicates  a  contrary  intent,  any  reference in any other general or special law to  the New York state library for the blind and visually handicapped or the  library for the blind and  physically  handicapped  shall  be  deemed  a  reference to the New York state talking book and braille library.9.  State  aid  for  a  coordinated  program  of  library and archival  services at The Center for Jewish History, Inc. a. In  addition  to  any  other  sums  provided  to  The  Center  for  Jewish  History,  Inc., the  commissioner shall award in any state fiscal year an annual grant of two  hundred  thousand  dollars  for  a  coordinated  program  of library and  archival services that will increase public access to  the  library  and  archival  collections  of  The  Center  for Jewish History, Inc. and its  member institutions.    b. The Center for Jewish History,  Inc.  is  hereby  admitted  to  the  University  of  the  State  of  New  York  and  shall, as a condition of  continued receipt of  aid,  maintain  such  status  in  accordance  with  regulations of the commissioner. Such regulations may include submission  of a five-year plan and annual program budget.    10.  State aid for summer reading programs. The commissioner is hereby  authorized  to  expend  the  funds  of  the  love  your  library   fund,  established  in  section  ninety-nine-l  of the state finance law, which  shall provide grants  for  participation  in  statewide  summer  reading  programs  as  coordinated by the state library to public library systems  on the basis of criteria to be developed by  the  commissioner.  Upon  a  determination  by  the  commissioner  that  there  is  adequate  revenue  available for a grant program in the upcoming fiscal year, grants  shall  be awarded as follows:    a.  sixty  percent  of the funds appropriated pursuant to this section  shall be made available to public library  systems  for  use  by  member  libraries by the commissioner in such manner as to insure that the ratio  of  the  amount received within each system to the whole of the aid made  available pursuant to this paragraph is no greater than the ratio of the  population served by such system to the population of the state; and    b. forty percent of the funds appropriated pursuant  to  this  section  shall  be  made  available  to  library  systems for use by their member  libraries within each system by the commissioner in such  manner  as  to  insure that an equal amount is received within each system in the state.    11.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of law to the contrary, each  year commencing with the two thousand six calendar year, no  library  or  library  system  shall  receive  less  aid  pursuant  to this section or  section two hundred seventy-one or two hundred seventy-two of this  part  than  it  would  have  been eligible to receive for the two thousand one  calendar year solely by reason of a decrease in the  population  of  the  area served as a result of the latest approved federal census.    12.  The  commissioner  is hereby authorized to expend in state fiscal  year two thousand six--two thousand seven three million dollars  and  in  state  fiscal  year two thousand seven--two thousand eight eight million  dollars and in state fiscal year two thousand eight--two  thousand  nine  seven  million  nine  hundred forty thousand dollars and in state fiscal  year two thousand nine--two thousand ten eight million  dollars  subject  to  an  appropriation  for  formula  grants  to  public library systems,  reference and research library resources  systems,  and  school  library  systems operating under an approved plan of service. Such formula grants  shall  be  provided  for  the period commencing July first and ending on  June thirtieth next following. Such formula grants will  be  distributed  in the following manner:    a.  Each  public  library  system established pursuant to sections two  hundred  fifty-five  and  two  hundred  seventy-two  of  this  part  and  operating  under  a  plan  approved  by  the commissioner is entitled to  receive thirty-nine thousand dollars and an  amount  equal  to  ten  and  ninety-four  hundredths  percent of the amount of state aid received for  the current year by such system under paragraphs a, c, d,  e  and  n  ofsubdivision  one of this section for the two thousand nine--two thousand  ten state fiscal year;    b.  Each  reference  and research library resources system established  pursuant to section two hundred seventy-two of this part  and  operating  under  a  plan  approved  by  the  commissioner  is  entitled to receive  thirty-nine thousand dollars and an amount equal to ten and  ninety-four  hundredths  percent  of the amount of state aid received for the current  year under paragraph a of subdivision four of this section for  the  two  thousand nine--two thousand ten state fiscal year; and    c.  Each  school  library  system  established pursuant to section two  hundred eighty-two of this part and operating under a plan  approved  by  the commissioner is entitled to receive thirty-nine thousand dollars and  an  amount equal to ten and ninety-four hundredths percent of the amount  of state aid  received  for  the  current  year  by  such  system  under  paragraphs a, b, c, d, e and f of subdivision one of section two hundred  eighty-four  of  this  part  for the two thousand nine--two thousand ten  state fiscal year.