267 - Local neglect.

§ 267. Local  neglect.    If  the  local  authorities  of  any library  supported wholly or in part by state  money  fail  to  provide  for  the  support  of  such  library  and  the public usefulness of its books, the  regents shall in writing notify the trustees of  said  library  what  is  necessary  to meet the state's requirements, and on such notice all said  library's rights to further grants of money  or  books  from  the  state  shall  be suspended until the regents certify that the requirements have  been met; and if said trustees shall refuse or neglect  to  comply  with  such  requirements  within  sixty days after service of such notice, the  regents may remove them from office and thereafter all books  and  other  library  property  wholly or in part paid for from state moneys shall be  under the full and direct control of the regents who, as shall seem best  for public interests, may appoint new trustees to carry on the  library,  or may store it, or distribute its books to other libraries.