260 - Trustees.

§ 260. Trustees.  1.  Public libraries authorized to be established by  action of the voters  or  their  representatives  shall  be  managed  by  trustees  who shall have all the powers of trustees of other educational  institutions of the university as defined in this chapter; provided that  the number of trustees of county public libraries and  Indian  libraries  shall not be less than five nor more than fifteen and that the number of  trustees  of other public libraries shall not be less than five nor more  than  fifteen.  The  number  of  trustees  of  joint  public   libraries  authorized  to be established by two or more municipalities or districts  or any combination thereof shall be not less than  five  nor  more  than  twenty-five,  as  determined by agreement of the voting bodies empowered  to authorize the establishment of such libraries pursuant to subdivision  one of section two hundred fifty-five of this chapter and shall  be  set  forth  in  the  resolution  authorizing  the establishment of such joint  public library. Such resolution shall also set forth the number of  such  trustees  which  each  of  the participating municipalities or districts  shall be entitled to elect or appoint, and the terms of  office  of  the  trustees  as  determined  in  accordance  with subdivision three of this  section.    2. The trustees of public libraries authorized to  be  established  by  cities  shall  be  appointed  by  the  mayor and confirmed by the common  council, in counties they shall be appointed  by  the  county  board  of  supervisors  or other governing elective body, in villages they shall be  appointed by the village board of  trustees,  in  towns  they  shall  be  appointed  by  the town board, in school districts they shall be elected  by the legal voters in the same manner as trustees are  elected  in  the  school   district   which   established  said  library,  and  on  Indian  reservations they shall be elected  at  a  general  tribal  election  or  otherwise  designated by the chiefs or head men of an Indian tribe; that  notwithstanding the fact that county,  town  or  local  school  district  lines  do  not  penetrate  the reservation boundary, Indians residing on  reservations shall be eligible to serve as trustees of public  libraries  established in school districts to the same extent as they are qualified  voters pursuant to subdivision three of section twenty hundred twelve of  this chapter; that the first trustees shall determine by lot the year in  which  the  term  of  office of each trustee shall expire and that a new  trustee shall be elected or appointed annually to  serve  for  three  or  five  years  to  be  determined  by  the  entity establishing the public  library. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of  this  subdivision,  in  any  case  where  a town is a contributor to the support of any such  public library in a village located within the town the  appointment  of  trustees  of such library who reside outside the village but within such  town shall be subject to the approval of the town board  of  such  town.  The  charter  of  any  public  library granted prior to April thirtieth,  nineteen hundred twenty-one, which provides for trustees, their terms of  office and method of election or appointment in a manner differing  from  that  hereinbefore provided, shall remain in full force and effect until  the regents, upon application of the library trustees, shall  amend  the  charter  to  conform  to  the  provisions  of  law  in  effect when such  amendment is made.    3. The trustees of a joint public library authorized to be established  by two or more municipalities or districts or  any  combination  thereof  shall  be appointed or elected by the body authorized by subdivision two  of this section  to  elect  or  appoint  trustees  of  public  libraries  authorized  to  be  established  by  such  municipality or district. The  number of such trustees to be  elected  or  appointed  by  each  of  the  participating   municipalities  or  districts  shall  be  determined  as  provided in subdivision one of this section. The term of office of  suchtrustees shall be three or five years except that the terms of the first  trustees shall be so arranged that the terms of as nearly as possible to  one-third or one-fifth of the members shall expire annually.    4.  No  person  who  is  a  member  of  any municipal council or board  authorized by this section to appoint public  library  trustees  in  any  municipality  shall  be  eligible  for the office of such public library  trustee in such municipality.    5. The boards of trustees  of  public,  free  association  and  Indian  libraries  shall  hold  regular  meetings  at  least quarterly, and such  boards shall fix the day and hour for holding such meetings.    6. The board of trustees of a library  system  or  a  public  or  free  association  library  chartered  by the regents of the state of New York  may determine to contribute annually a sum of money to  assist  the  New  York  State  Association of Library Boards in fostering, encouraging and  promoting the further development of library activities  throughout  the  state  and  financing  programs  in  this state which will assist in the  dissemination of information leading to the improvement and extension of  library services.    7. The board of trustees of a public library established and supported  by a school district shall, in addition to powers conferred by  this  or  any  other chapter, be authorized in its discretion to call, give notice  of and conduct a special district meeting for the  purpose  of  electing  library  trustees and of submitting initially a resolution in accordance  with the provisions of subdivision one of section two hundred fifty-nine  of this chapter. Such meeting shall be held prior to the  first  day  of  July  but  subsequent  to  the  first  day of April. Should the board of  trustees of the library determine, in its discretion, not to notice  and  conduct  such  a  meeting,  then  the  election  and budget vote will be  noticed and conducted by the board of education of the  school  district  as part of its annual meeting.    8.   Candidates  for  the  office  of  trustee  of  a  public  library  established and supported by a school district  shall  be  nominated  by  petition  which  shall meet the requirements of subdivision a of section  two thousand eighteen of this chapter, except that such candidates shall  be elected in the manner specified in  subdivision  b  of  such  section  except that the nominating petition filed pursuant to subdivision a or b  of  such section shall be signed by a least twenty-five qualified voters  of the library district, or two percent of the voters who voted  in  the  last  previous  annual  election  of  members  of  the  library board of  trustees, whichever is greater. The provisions of this subdivision shall  not apply to a  charter  granted  prior  to  April  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred seventy-one that provides for a different procedure.    9. The board of trustees of a public library established and supported  by  a school district, in addition to any other powers conferred by this  chapter, may, in its discretion, call, give  notice  of  and  conduct  a  special  district meeting of the qualified voters of the school district  for any  proper  library  purpose,  including  the  re-submission  of  a  defeated  library  appropriation, at a time and place designated by said  board of trustees, except as to those purposes set forth in  subdivision  seven of this section.    10.  The  board  of  trustees  of  a  public  library  established and  supported by  a  school  district,  in  addition  to  any  other  powers  conferred  in  this  chapter,  shall  have  the  power  to determine the  necessity for construction of library facilities, to  select  a  library  site or sites, to select the architect, and to require that the board of  education call, give notice of and conduct a special district meeting in  accordance  with  the provisions of subdivision nine of this section for  the purpose of designating and acquiring a site or sites and authorizingthe issuance of obligations of the school district for  acquisition  and  construction of library facilities, or either.    11.  Whenever  the  board  of trustees of a public library shall call,  give notice of and conduct a special district meeting under  subdivision  seven  or  nine  of  this  section,  such  meeting shall be established,  noticed and conducted in the same manner and to the same extent as  such  meetings  were  theretofore  established,  noticed  and conducted by the  board of education of the school district, the board of trustees of  the  libraries making all the determinations and taking all action in respect  thereto  otherwise  required  of  the  board  of education of the school  district, except that the meeting need not, in  the  discretion  of  the  board of trustees of the library, be held in separate election districts  in those school districts where election districts have been established  by  the  board  of  education.  The  board of registration shall meet as  provided in section two thousand fourteen of this chapter and notice  of  the meeting shall be given in accordance with the provisions of sections  two  thousand  four  and two thousand seven of this chapter. The cost of  all such meetings and registrations shall be a charge to the library.    12. The board of trustees of a  public,  free  association  or  Indian  library  which  provides public access to the internet shall establish a  policy governing patron use  of  computer  terminals  which  access  the  internet.  Verification  of  such policy shall be included in the annual  report submitted to the department.    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, prior to the discarding of  used or surplus books or other such reading materials by trustees  of  a  chartered public, cooperative or free association library which receives  over  ten  thousand  dollars  in state aid, such trustees shall offer to  donate such books  or  materials  to  a  not-for-profit  corporation  or  political  subdivision  located within the area of the library system or  offer to sell such  books  or  materials  to  the  general  public.  The  trustees  shall retain any proceeds received from the sale of such books  and materials for the  purpose  of  maintaining  and  improving  library  service within the system.