258-A - Purchases by museums, historical societies, zoological gardens, aquariums, botanical gardens and arboreta through office of general services.

§ 258-a. Purchases   by   museums,  historical  societies,  zoological  gardens, aquariums, botanical gardens and  arboreta  through  office  of  general  services.    Museums, historical societies, zoological gardens,  aquariums,  botanical  gardens  and  arboreta  which  are  chartered  or  incorporated  by the regents or otherwise formed pursuant to section two  hundred sixteen of this chapter or otherwise pursuant  to  the  laws  of  this state and are also non-profit may make purchases, except of printed  material,  through  the  state division of standards and purchase in the  office of general services subject to such rules as may  be  established  from  time  to  time  pursuant to section one hundred sixty-three of the  state finance law; provided that each such purchase shall have a cost of  five hundred dollars or more and that said museum,  historical  society,  zoological  garden,  aquarium, botanical garden or arboreta shall accept  sole responsibility for any payment of such cost due the vendor.