284 - State aid for school library systems.

§ 284. State  aid  for  school library systems. 1. Each school library  system established pursuant to section two hundred  eighty-two  of  this  part  and  operating  under a plan approved by the commissioner shall be  eligible to  receive  funding  under  this  section  consisting  of  the  following amounts:    a.  Each  school  library  system  with  a public and nonpublic school  enrollment of less than one hundred thousand students  shall  receive  a  base grant of eighty-three thousand dollars;    b.  Each  school  library  system  with  a public and nonpublic school  enrollment of one hundred thousand students but less  than  two  hundred  thousand students shall receive a base grant of ninety thousand dollars;    c.  Each  school  library  system  with  a public and nonpublic school  enrollment of two hundred thousand students but less than  five  hundred  thousand students shall receive a base grant of one hundred twenty-three  thousand dollars; and    d.  Each  school  library  system  with  a public and nonpublic school  enrollment of more than five hundred thousand students shall  receive  a  base grant of eight hundred ninety-seven thousand dollars.    e. In addition to the base grant provided in paragraph a, b, c or d of  this subdivision, each school library system shall receive annually:    (1) twenty-nine cents per student enrolled in the public and nonpublic  schools located within such system, and    (2)  five  hundred  dollars  per public school district located within  such system, and a minimum of four thousand three  hundred  dollars  per  system  located within a board of cooperative educational services area,  or five thousand dollars per city school  district  of  a  city  with  a  population of one hundred twenty-five thousand inhabitants or more, and    (3)  two  dollars  and  forty-five cents per square mile of the school  library system.    f. In addition to any other sum  provided  in  this  subdivision,  any  school  library  system  formed  through  an act of merger since January  first, nineteen hundred eighty-four shall receive fifty thousand dollars  annually for each approved act of merger, provided,  however,  that  any  school  library system formed through an act of merger on or after April  first, two thousand eight shall receive ninety thousand dollars annually  for each approved act of merger.    g. In addition to any other sum provided  in  this  subdivision,  each  school   library  system  shall  be  eligible  to  receive  annually  an  automation grant amounting to ten percent of the total aid produced  for  that  system by adding the base grant provided by paragraph a, b, c or d  of this subdivision to the additional aid provided by paragraphs e and f  of this subdivision.    2. Before a  school  library  system  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  operating  funds,  such system shall submit a plan of library service to  the  commissioner  for  approval.  The  commissioner   shall   establish  standards  of  service  for  school  library systems by regulation. Such  regulations shall contain standards relating to: system staffing;  union  catalog and data-base development; interlibrary loan; communications and  delivery;  governance  and  advisory committees; membership criteria and  the means of relating district library resources and programs  to  those  of  the  system;  non-public  school  participation;  and procedures for  submission and approval of plans and certification of membership.    3. The moneys  made  available  pursuant  to  this  section  shall  be  distributed to each school library system whose plan of service has been  approved under the provisions of subdivision two of this section.    4.  Each  school  library  system receiving state aid pursuant to this  section shall furnish such information regarding its library service  as  the  commissioner  may from time to time require to determine whether itis operating in accordance with its plan and the  standards  of  service  the commissioner has established. The commissioner may at any time after  affording  notice  and  an opportunity to be heard, revoke approval of a  plan  of  library  service  if  the  commissioner  finds that the school  library system no longer conforms to its approved plan,  the  provisions  of  this  section  or  the  regulations  promulgated by the commissioner  hereunder; or, in the case  of  provisional  approval,  if  such  school  library  system no longer conforms to the agreement, plans or conditions  upon which such provisional approval was based. In such  case  a  school  library system shall not thereafter be entitled to state aid pursuant to  this  section  unless  and  until  its  plan of library service is again  approved by the commissioner.