Chapter 566 Sexual Offenses
- 566.010. Chapter 566 and chapter 568 definitions.
- 566.013. Criminal investigations, site of criminal conduct undetermined, attorney general may subpoena witnesses and documents.
- 566.020. Mistake as to incapacity or age--consent not a defense, when.
- 566.023. Marriage to victim, at time of offense, affirmative defense, for certain crimes.
- 566.025. Evidence that defendant has committed other charged and uncharged crimes of a sexual nature involving victims under fourteen admissible to prove propensity to commit crime, when.
- 566.030. Forcible rape and attempted forcible rape, penalties--suspended sentences not granted, when.
- 566.032. Statutory rape and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties.
- 566.034. Statutory rape, second degree, penalty.
- 566.040. Sexual assault, penalties.
- 566.060. Forcible sodomy, penalties--suspended sentence not granted, when.
- 566.062. Statutory sodomy and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties.
- 566.064. Statutory sodomy, second degree, penalty.
- 566.067. Child molestation, first degree, penalties.
- 566.068. Child molestation, second degree, penalties.
- 566.070. Deviate sexual assault, penalty.
- 566.083. Sexual misconduct involving a child, penalty--applicability of section--affirmative defense not allowed, when.
- 566.086. Sexual contact with a student while on public school property.
- 566.090. Sexual misconduct, first degree, penalties.
- 566.093. Sexual misconduct, second degree, penalties.
- 566.095. Sexual misconduct, third degree, penalty.
- 566.100. Sexual abuse, penalties.
- 566.103. Crime of promoting on-line sexual solicitation, violation, penalty.
- 566.111. Unlawful sex with an animal, penalties.
- 566.135. Defendant may be tested for various sexually transmitted diseases, when.
- 566.140. Treatment and rehabilitation program for perpetrators of sexual offenses, when--assessment or counseling services, provision of, restrictions.
- 566.141. All probation or parole to be conditioned on receiving appropriate treatment.
- 566.145. Sexual contact with prisoner or offender--definitions--penalty--consent not a defense.
- 566.147. Certain offenders not to reside within one thousand feet of a school or child-care facility.
- 566.148. Certain offenders not to physically be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a child care facility--violation, penalty.
- 566.149. Certain offenders not to be present within five hundred feet of school property, exception--permission required for parents or guardians who are offenders, procedure--penalty.
- 566.150. Certain offenders not to be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a public park or swimming pool--violation, penalty.
- 566.151. Enticement of a child, penalties.
- 566.153. Age misrepresentation, crime of--penalty.
- 566.155. Certain offenders not to serve as athletic coaches, managers, or trainers--violation, penalty.
- 566.200. Definitions.
- 566.203. Abusing an individual through forced labor--penalty.
- 566.206. Trafficking for the purpose of slavery, involuntary servitude, peonage, or forced labor--penalty.
- 566.209. Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation--penalty.
- 566.212. Sexual trafficking of a child--penalty.
- 566.213. Sexual trafficking of a child under age twelve--affirmative defense not allowed, when--penalty.
- 566.215. Contributing to human trafficking--penalty.
- 566.218. Restitution required for certain offenders.
- 566.221. International marriage brokers, notice to recruits--criminal history record and marital history record to be disseminated--client requirements--violations, penalty.
- 566.223. Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 to apply, when.
- 566.224. Polygraph tests and psychological stress evaluator exams not permitted, when.
- 566.226. Identifiable information in court records to be redacted, when--access to information permitted, when--disclosure of identifying information regarding defendant, when.
- 566.265. Penalties for violations by corporations or businesses.