566.226. Identifiable information in court records to be redacted, when--access to information permitted, when--disclosure of identifying information regarding defendant, when.
Identifiable information in court records to be redacted, when--accessto information permitted, when--disclosure of identifyinginformation regarding defendant, when.
566.226. 1. After August 28, 2007, any information contained in anycourt record, whether written or published on the Internet, that could beused to identify or locate any victim of sexual assault, domestic assault,stalking, or forcible rape shall be closed and redacted from such recordprior to disclosure to the public. Identifying information shall includethe name, home or temporary address, telephone number, Social Securitynumber or physical characteristics.
2. If the court determines that a person or entity who is requestingidentifying information of a victim has a legitimate interest in obtainingsuch information, the court may allow access to the information, but onlyif the court determines that disclosure to the person or entity would notcompromise the welfare or safety of such victim.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section,the judge presiding over a sexual assault, domestic assault, stalking, orforcible rape case shall have the discretion to publicly discloseidentifying information regarding the defendant which could be used toidentify or locate the victim of the crime. The victim may provide astatement to the court regarding whether he or she desires such informationto remain closed. When making the decision to disclose such information,the judge shall consider the welfare and safety of the victim and anystatement to the court received from the victim regarding the disclosure.
(L. 2007 H.B. 583, A.L. 2009 H.B. 177 & H.B. 622)