566.200. Definitions.
566.200. As used in sections 566.200 to 566.221, the following termsshall mean:
(1) "Basic rights information", information applicable to anoncitizen, including but not limited to information about human rights,immigration, emergency assistance and resources, and the legal rights andresources for victims of domestic violence;
(2) "Client", a person who is a resident of the United States and thestate of Missouri and who contracts with an international marriage brokerto meet recruits;
(3) "Commercial sex act", any sex act on account of which anything ofvalue is given to or received by any person;
(4) "Criminal history record information", criminal history recordinformation, including information provided in a criminal background check,obtained from the Missouri state highway patrol and the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation;
(5) "International marriage broker":
(a) A corporation, partnership, business, individual, or other legalentity, whether or not organized under any law of the United States or anyother state, that charges fees to residents of Missouri for providingdating, matrimonial, or social referrals or matching services betweenUnited States citizens or residents and nonresident aliens by providinginformation or a forum that would permit individuals to contact each other.Such contact shall include, but is not limited to:
a. Providing the name, telephone number, postal address, electronicmail address, or voice message mailbox of an individual, or otherwisefacilitating communication between individuals; or
b. Providing an opportunity for an in-person meeting;
(b) Such term shall not include:
a. A traditional matchmaking organization of a religious nature thatoperates on a nonprofit basis and otherwise operates in compliance with thelaws of the countries in which it operates, including the laws of theUnited States;
b. An entity that provides dating services between United Statescitizens or residents and other individuals who may be aliens, but does notdo so as its principal business, and charges comparable rates to allindividuals it serves regardless of the gender or country of citizenship orresidence of the individual; or
c. An organization that does not charge a fee to any party for theservices provided;
(6) "Involuntary servitude or forced labor", a condition of servitudeinduced by means of:
(a) Any scheme, plan, or pattern of behavior intended to cause aperson to believe that, if the person does not enter into or continue theservitude, such person or another person will suffer substantial bodilyharm or physical restraint; or
(b) The abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process;
(7) "Marital history information", a declaration of the person'scurrent marital status, the number of times the person has previously beenmarried, and whether any previous marriages occurred as a result of servicefrom an international marriage broker;
(8) "Peonage", illegal and involuntary servitude in satisfaction ofdebt;
(9) "Recruit", a noncitizen, nonresident, recruited by aninternational marriage broker for the purpose of providing dating,matrimonial, or social referral services.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1487, A.L. 2005 H.B. 353)