566.145. Sexual contact with prisoner or offender--definitions--penalty--consent not a defense.
Sexual contact with prisoner oroffender--definitions--penalty--consent not a defense.
566.145. 1. A person commits the crime of sexual contact with aprisoner or offender if:
(1) Such person is an employee of, or assigned to work in, any jail,prison or correctional facility and such person has sexual intercourse ordeviate sexual intercourse with a prisoner or an offender who is confinedin a jail, prison, or correctional facility; or
(2) Such person is a probation and parole officer and has sexualintercourse or deviate sexual intercourse with an offender who is under thedirect supervision of the officer.
2. For the purposes of this section the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Offender", includes any person in the custody of a prison orcorrectional facility and any person who is under the supervision of thestate board of probation and parole;
(2) "Prisoner", includes any person who is in the custody of a jail,whether pretrial or after disposition of a charge.
3. Sexual contact with a prisoner or offender is a class D felony.
4. Consent of a prisoner or offender is not an affirmative defense.
(L. 2002 S.B. 969, et al., A.L. 2006 H.B. 1698, et al., A.L. 2009 H.B. 747)