566.221. International marriage brokers, notice to recruits--criminal history record and marital history record to be disseminated--client requirements--violations, penalty.
International marriage brokers, notice to recruits--criminal historyrecord and marital history record to be disseminated--clientrequirements--violations, penalty.
566.221. 1. An international marriage broker shall provide notice toeach recruit that the criminal history record information and maritalhistory information of clients and basic rights information are availablefrom the organization. The notice of the availability of such informationmust be in a conspicuous location, in the recruit's native language, inlettering that is at least one-quarter of an inch in height, and presentedin a manner that separates the different types of information available.
2. An international marriage broker shall disseminate to a recruitthe criminal history record information and marital history information ofa client and basic rights information no later than thirty days after thedate the international marriage broker receives the criminal history recordinformation and the marital history information on the client. Suchinformation must be provided in the recruit's native language and theorganization shall pay the costs incurred to translate the information.
3. A client of an international marriage broker shall:
(1) Obtain a copy of his or her own criminal history recordinformation;
(2) Provide the criminal history record information to theinternational marriage broker; and
(3) Provide to the international marriage broker his or her ownmarital history information.
4. An international marriage broker shall require the client toaffirm that the marital history information is complete and accurate andincludes information regarding marriages, annulments, and dissolutions thatoccurred in another state or foreign country.
5. An international marriage broker shall not provide any furtherservices to the client or the recruit until the organization has obtainedthe required criminal history record information and marital historyinformation and provided the information to the recruit.
6. An international marriage broker shall be deemed to be doingbusiness in Missouri if it contracts for matchmaking services with aMissouri resident or is considered to be doing business pursuant to otherlaws of the state.
7. A person who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of violating theprovisions of this section shall not be required to register as a sexualoffender pursuant to the provisions of section 589.400, RSMo, unless suchperson is otherwise required to register pursuant to the provisions of suchsection.
8. It shall be a class D felony to willfully provide incomplete orfalse information pursuant to this section.
9. Failure to provide the information and notice required pursuant tothis section shall be a class D felony.
10. No provision of this section shall preempt any other right orremedy available under law to any party utilizing the services of aninternational marriage broker or other international marriage organization.
(L. 2005 H.B. 353)