566.068. Child molestation, second degree, penalties.
Child molestation, second degree, penalties.
566.068. 1. A person commits the crime of child molestation in thesecond degree if he or she subjects another person who is less thanseventeen years of age to sexual contact.
2. Child molestation in the second degree is a class A misdemeanorunless the actor has previously been convicted of an offense under thischapter or in the course thereof the actor inflicts serious physical injuryon any person, displays a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument in athreatening manner, or the offense is committed as part of a ritual orceremony, in which case the crime is a class D felony.
(L. 1994 S.B. 693, A.L. 2000 S.B. 757 & 602)CROSS REFERENCE:
Child, genital mutilation of a female child, crime, penalty, defenses, RSMo 568.065