566.215. Contributing to human trafficking--penalty.
Contributing to human trafficking--penalty.
566.215. 1. A person commits the crime of contributing to humantrafficking through the misuse of documentation when the individualknowingly:
(1) Destroys, conceals, removes, confiscates, or possesses a valid orpurportedly valid passport, government identification document, or otherimmigration document of another person while committing crimes or with theintent to commit crimes, pursuant to sections 566.200 to 566.218; or
(2) Prevents, restricts, or attempts to prevent or restrict, withoutlawful authority, a person's ability to move or travel by restricting theproper use of identification, in order to maintain the labor or services ofa person who is the victim of a crime committed pursuant to sections566.200 to 566.218.
2. A person who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of the crime ofcontributing to human trafficking through the misuse of documentation shallnot be required to register as a sexual offender pursuant to the provisionsof section 589.400, RSMo, unless such person is otherwise required toregister pursuant to the provisions of such section.
3. The crime of contributing to human trafficking through the misuseof documentation is a class D felony.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1487)