Chapter 190 Emergency Services
- 190.001. Citation.
- 190.010. Territory of district may be noncontiguous--ambulance districts authorized except in counties of 400,000 or more population--district, how named.
- 190.015. Petition to form, contents--ambulance district boundaries (St. Louis County).
- 190.020. Public hearing, notice--costs, how paid.
- 190.025. Petitions--consolidation, when--amended, how.
- 190.030. Sufficiency of petition, county commission to determine.
- 190.035. Notice of election, contents.
- 190.040. Form of ballot.
- 190.041. Tax levy for central dispatching service, when, amount--funds kept separate.
- 190.043. Increase in tax rate without voter approval, when, amount.
- 190.044. (Repealed L. 2002 S.B. 1107 § A)
- 190.045. Returns of election, where filed--effect of.
- 190.050. Election districts, how established--election of directors--declaration of candidacy filed, where, when.
- 190.051. Change in number of board members, when--ballot language.
- 190.052. Board member must live in his district--vacancies, how filled.
- 190.053. Educational training required for board of directors.
- 190.055. Powers of board--seal and bylaws required--reimbursement of board members' expenses--secretary and treasurer, additional compensation--board member attendance fees, when.
- 190.060. Powers of district.
- 190.065. Bonds, issuance of--election, form of ballot.
- 190.070. Annexation, petition for--hearing--election, form of ballot.
- 190.074. Collection of taxes--levy--procedure.
- 190.075. Records, what and how kept.
- 190.080. Donated property--title, how taken.
- 190.085. Failure to approve bonds, effect of--dissolution--funds, how rebated.
- 190.087. Ambulance district serving city in more than one county may be expanded--procedure (Franklin County).
- 190.090. Consolidation of ambulance districts, procedure for--form of ballot--transition provisions for consolidation.
- 190.091. Vaccination program for first responders offered--definitions--participation voluntary--contingent effective date.
- 190.092. Defibrillators, use authorized when, conditions, notice--good faith immunity from civil liability, when.
- 190.094. Minimum ambulance staffing--volunteer defined.
- 190.100. Definitions.
- 190.101. State advisory council on emergency medical services, members, purpose, duties.
- 190.102. Regional EMS advisory committees.
- 190.103. Regional EMS medical director, powers, duties.
- 190.104. Pediatric emergency medical services system.
- 190.105. Ambulance license required, exceptions--operation of ambulance services--sale or transfer of ownership, notice required.
- 190.107. Contracts for mutual aid services.
- 190.108. Air ambulance licenses--sale or transfer of ownership, notice required.
- 190.109. Ground ambulance license.
- 190.111. Inspection limitation--effect of sale or transfer on a license.
- 190.120. Insurance, what coverage required--policy provisions required--term of policy.
- 190.131. Certification of training entities.
- 190.133. Emergency medical response agency license--limitations.
- 190.134. Dispatch agency, requirements.
- 190.142. Emergency medical technician license--rules.
- 190.143. Temporary emergency medical technician license granted, when--limitations--expiration.
- 190.146. Lapse of license, request to return to active status, procedure.
- 190.160. Renewals of licenses, requirements.
- 190.165. Suspension or revocation of licenses, grounds for.
- 190.171. Aggrieved party may seek review by administrative hearing commission.
- 190.172. Settlement agreements permitted, when--written impact statement may be submitted to administrative hearing commission.
- 190.175. Records to be maintained by licensee.
- 190.176. Data collection system.
- 190.180. Penalty for violation.
- 190.185. Rules and regulations, department to adopt--procedure.
- 190.190. Time to comply granted existing equipment and personnel.
- 190.196. Employer to comply with requirements of licensure--report of charges filed against licensee, when.
- 190.200. Public information and education.
- 190.205. Insurers' duties.
- 190.241. Trauma, STEMI, or stroke centers, designation by department--on-site reviews--grounds for suspension or revocation of designation--fees--administrative hearing commission to hear persons aggr
- 190.243. Transportation to trauma, STEMI, or stroke centers or hospitals, how authorized.
- 190.245. Peer review systems, required when--powers of department--medical records, penalty for failure to provide, purpose for use, names not to be released.
- 190.246. Epinephrine auto-injector, possession and use limitations--definitions--use of device considered first aid--violations, penalty.
- 190.248. Investigations of allegations of violations, completed when--access to records.
- 190.250. Ambulance services to have same statutory lien rights as hospitals--recovery of lien, net proceeds to be shared with patient, when--release of claimant from liability, when.
- 190.290. Definitions.
- 190.292. Emergency services, sales tax levy authorized--ballot language--rate of tax--termination of tax--board to administer funds established, members (Warren County).
- 190.294. Powers and duties of the emergency services board--meetings--vacancies--rulemaking authority (Warren County).
- 190.296. Board may borrow money and issue bonds--ballot language--duration of loans, rate of interest (Warren County).
- 190.300. Definitions.
- 190.305. Emergency telephone service may be provided--tax levy authorized--governing body of Christian and Scott counties may contract for services--time limitation on tax--rate--collection.
- 190.306. Dissolution of emergency telephone service not required, when (Christian County).
- 190.307. No civil liability for operation of emergency system, giving or following emergency instructions, exceptions.
- 190.308. Misuse of emergency telephone service unlawful, definitions, penalty.
- 190.309. Emergency telephone board, powers and duties--members of the board, appointment, terms--personnel--officers--rules--removal of members--vacancies--nepotism prohibited.
- 190.310. Tax due quarterly--return filed when, content--record retention period--rate determination, notification--collection fee allowed.
- 190.315. Contract for service authorized.
- 190.320. Election--ballot form.
- 190.325. Central dispatching service for emergency services (Clay and Jefferson counties)--use of emergency telephone moneys--tax rate--contracts for service for other political subdivisions--tax coll
- 190.327. Board appointed, when--board elected, when--duties--commission to relinquish duties to board--qualifications--board, powers and duties.
- 190.328. Election of board, Christian and Scott counties, when--terms.
- 190.329. Election of board, exceptions, when--terms.
- 190.335. Central dispatch for emergency services, alternative funding by county sales tax, procedure, ballot form, rate of tax--collection, limitations--adoption of alternate tax, telephone tax to exp
- 190.337. Revenue, purpose for which shall be used--procedure to terminate tax, ballot form--reestablishing emergency service using telephone tax, procedure.
- 190.339. Emergency services board, powers and duties--officers--removal of board members, reasons, hearing procedure--vacancies--employment by board, limitations.
- 190.340. Emergency services board, officers duties, rules and regulations.
- 190.350. (Repealed L. 2006 H.B. 1437 § A)
- 190.353. Powers and duties of department of health and senior services--establishment of regional poison information center--center to provide certain services.
- 190.355. Use of existing resources required.
- 190.400. Definitions.
- 190.410. Board created, members, terms, duties, staff.
- 190.420. Fund established.
- 190.430. Fee for wireless service--rules--office of administration, powers.
- 190.440. Ballot measure for fee.
- 190.500. Temporary license--qualified health care professions--declared emergency.
- 190.525. Definitions.
- 190.528. License required--political subdivisions not precluded from governing operation of service or enforcing ordinances--responsibilities and restrictions on operation of stretcher van services--r
- 190.531. Refusal to issue or denial of renewal of licenses permitted--complaint procedure--rules--immunity from liability, when--suspension of license, when.
- 190.534. Violations, penalty--attorney general to have concurrent jurisdiction.
- 190.537. Rulemaking authority.
- 190.550. Schedule of fees established, rules--collection and deposit.
- 190.600. Citation of act--definitions.
- 190.603. Outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate order may be executed, when--maintained in medical records--transfers with patient.
- 190.606. Immunity from liability, what persons and entities.
- 190.609. Order effective, when--limitations of order.
- 190.612. Emergency medical services personnel to comply with order, when--physician to transfer patient, when.
- 190.615. Death of a patient, not suicide or homicide--effect of order on life insurance--order does not authorize mercy killing or euthanasia.
- 190.618. Rules--rulemaking authority.
- 190.621. Penalty for concealing or falsifying an order.
- 190.800. Imposition of tax--definitions.
- 190.803. Formula for tax based on gross receipts--maximum rate--challenge of validity of rules.
- 190.806. Record-keeping requirements, confidentiality.
- 190.809. Amount due, determination--notification procedure--offset permitted, when--quarterly adjustment of tax permitted.
- 190.812. Determination of tax final, when--timely protest permitted.
- 190.815. Rulemaking authority.
- 190.818. Remittance of tax--fund created, use of moneys.
- 190.821. Tax period--failure to pay, delinquency, enforcement procedures.
- 190.824. Tax-exempt status of ambulance service not affected.
- 190.827. Payments to ambulance services, when.
- 190.830. Federal financial participation required.
- 190.833. No tax imposed prior to effective date.
- 190.836. Rules requirements, authority.
- 190.839. Expiration date.