190.612. Emergency medical services personnel to comply with order, when--physician to transfer patient, when.
Emergency medical services personnel to comply with order,when--physician to transfer patient, when.
190.612. 1. Emergency medical services personnel are authorized tocomply with the outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate protocol whenpresented with an outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate identification oran outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate order. However, emergencymedical services personnel shall not comply with an outside the hospitaldo-not-resuscitate order or the outside the hospital do-not-resuscitateprotocol when the patient or patient's representative expresses to suchpersonnel in any manner, before or after the onset of a cardiac orrespiratory arrest, the desire to be resuscitated.
2. If a physician or a health care facility other than a hospitaladmits or receives a patient with an outside the hospitaldo-not-resuscitate identification or an outside the hospitaldo-not-resuscitate order, and the patient or patient's representative hasnot expressed or does not express to the physician or health care facilitythe desire to be resuscitated, and the physician or health care facility isunwilling or unable to comply with the outside the hospitaldo-not-resuscitate order, the physician or health care facility shall takeall reasonable steps to transfer the patient to another physician or healthcare facility where the outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate order willbe complied with.
(L. 2007 H.B. 182)