190.327. Board appointed, when--board elected, when--duties--commission to relinquish duties to board--qualifications--board, powers and duties.
Board appointed, when--board elected, when--duties--commission torelinquish duties to board--qualifications--board, powers and duties.
190.327. 1. Immediately upon the decision by the commission toutilize a portion of the emergency telephone tax for central dispatchingand an affirmative vote of the telephone tax, the commission shall appointthe initial members of a board which shall administer the funds and overseethe provision of central dispatching for emergency services in the countyand in municipalities and other political subdivisions which havecontracted for such service. Beginning with the general election in 1992,all board members shall be elected according to this section and otherapplicable laws of this state. At the time of the appointment of theinitial members of the board, the commission shall relinquish to the boardand no longer exercise the duties prescribed in this chapter with regard tothe provision of emergency telephone service and in chapter 321, RSMo, withregard to the provision of central dispatching service, and such dutiesshall be exercised by the board.
2. Elections for board members may be held on general municipalelection day, as defined in subsection 3 of section 115.121, RSMo, afterapproval by a simple majority of the county commission.
3. For the purpose of providing the services described in thissection, the board shall have the following powers, authority andprivileges:
(1) To have and use a corporate seal;
(2) To sue and be sued, and be a party to suits, actions andproceedings;
(3) To enter into contracts, franchises and agreements with anyperson, partnership, association or corporation, public or private,affecting the affairs of the board;
(4) To acquire, construct, purchase, maintain, dispose of andencumber real and personal property, including leases and easements;
(5) To have the management, control and supervision of all thebusiness affairs of the board and the construction, installation, operationand maintenance of any improvements;
(6) To hire and retain agents and employees and to provide for theircompensation including health and pension benefits;
(7) To adopt and amend bylaws and any other rules and regulations;
(8) To fix, charge and collect the taxes and fees authorized by lawfor the purpose of implementing and operating the services described inthis section;
(9) To pay all expenses connected with the first election and allsubsequent elections; and
(10) To have and exercise all rights and powers necessary orincidental to or implied from the specific powers granted in thissubsection. Such specific powers shall not be considered as a limitationupon any power necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes andintent of sections 190.300 to 190.329.
(L. 1990 H.B. 951 § 1 subsec. 2, A.L. 1995 H.B. 452, et al., A.L. 1996 S.B. 532)