190.290. Definitions.
190.290. As used in sections 190.290 to 190.296, the following termsshall mean:
(1) "Emergency telephone service", a telephone system utilizing asingle three digit number, "911", for reporting police, fire, medical, orother emergency situations;
(2) "Emergency services board" or "board", those persons appointed orelected pursuant to section 190.292;
(3) "Person", any individual, firm, partnership, copartnership, jointventure, association, cooperative organization, corporation, municipal orprivate, and whether organized for profit or not, state, county, politicalsubdivision, state department, commission, board, bureau, or fraternalorganization, estate, trust, business, or common law trust, receiver,assignee for the benefit of creditors, trustee or trustee in bankruptcy, orany other service user;
(4) "Public agency", any city, county, city not within a county,municipal corporation, public district or public authority located in wholeor in part within this state which provides or has authority to providefire fighting, law enforcement, ambulance, emergency medical, or otheremergency services.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1329 § 190.342)