190.101. State advisory council on emergency medical services, members, purpose, duties.
State advisory council on emergency medical services, members,purpose, duties.
190.101. 1. There is hereby established a "State Advisory Council onEmergency Medical Services" which shall consist of sixteen members, one ofwhich shall be a resident of a city not within a county. The members ofthe council shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consentof the senate and shall serve terms of four years. The governor shalldesignate one of the members as chairperson. The chairperson may appointsubcommittees that include noncouncil members.
2. The state EMS medical directors advisory committee and theregional EMS advisory committees will be recognized as subcommittees of thestate advisory council on emergency medical services.
3. The council shall have geographical representation andrepresentation from appropriate areas of expertise in emergency medicalservices including volunteers, professional organizations involved inemergency medical services, EMT's, paramedics, nurses, firefighters,physicians, ambulance service administrators, hospital administrators andother health care providers concerned with emergency medical services. Theregional EMS advisory committees shall serve as a resource for theidentification of potential members of the state advisory council onemergency medical services.
4. The members of the council and subcommittees shall serve withoutcompensation except that members of the council shall, subject toappropriations, be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses and meetingexpenses related to the functions of the council.
5. The purpose of the council is to make recommendations to thegovernor, the general assembly, and the department on policies, plans,procedures and proposed regulations on how to improve the statewideemergency medical services system. The council shall advise the governor,the general assembly, and the department on all aspects of the emergencymedical services system.
(L. 1998 S.B. 743, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1953 merged with S.B. 1107)