190.534. Violations, penalty--attorney general to have concurrent jurisdiction.
Violations, penalty--attorney general to have concurrent jurisdiction.
190.534. 1. Any person violating, or failing to comply with, theprovisions of sections 190.525 to 190.537 is guilty of a class Bmisdemeanor.
2. Each day that any violation of, or failure to comply with,sections 190.525 to 190.537 is committed or permitted to continue shallconstitute a separate and distinct offense, and shall be punishable as aseparate offense pursuant to this section; but the court may, inappropriate cases, stay the cumulation of penalties.
3. The attorney general shall have concurrent jurisdiction with anyand all prosecuting attorneys to prosecute persons in violation of sections190.525 to 190.537, and the attorney general or prosecuting attorney mayinstitute injunctive proceedings against any person operating in violationof sections 190.525 to 190.537.
(L. 2002 S.B. 1107)