190.090. Consolidation of ambulance districts, procedure for--form of ballot--transition provisions for consolidation.
Consolidation of ambulance districts, procedure for--form ofballot--transition provisions for consolidation.
190.090. 1. Two or more organized ambulance districts mayconsolidate into one ambulance district by following the procedures setforth in this section.
2. If the consolidation of existing ambulance districts is desired, anumber of voters residing in an existing ambulance district equal to tenpercent of the vote cast for governor in the existing district in the nextpreceding gubernatorial election may file with the county clerk in whichthe territory or greater part of the proposed consolidated district issituated a petition requesting the consolidation of two or more existingambulance districts.
3. The petition shall be in the following form:
We, the undersigned voters of the ..... ambulance district do herebypetition that ..... existing ambulance districts be consolidated into oneconsolidated ambulance district.
4. An alternative procedure of consolidation may be followed, if theboard of directors of the existing ambulance districts pass a resolution inthe following form:
Be it resolved by the board of directors of the ambulance districtthat the ..... ambulance districts be consolidated into one consolidatedambulance district.
5. Upon the filing of a petition, or a resolution, with the countyclerk from each of the ambulance districts proposed to be consolidated, thecounty clerk shall present the petition or resolution to the commissionersof the county commission having jurisdiction who shall thereupon order thesubmission of the question to the voters of the districts. The filing ofeach of the petitions in the ambulance districts shall have occurred withina continuous twelve-month period.
6. The notice shall set forth the names of the existing ambulancedistricts to be included in the consolidated district.
7. The question shall be submitted in substantially the followingform:
Shall the existing ..... ambulance districts be consolidated into oneambulance district?
8. If the county commission having jurisdiction finds that thequestion to consolidate the districts received a majority of the votescast, the commission shall make and enter its order declaring that theproposition passed.
9. Within thirty days after the district has been declaredconsolidated, the county commission shall divide the district into sixelection districts and shall order an election to be held and conducted asprovided in section 190.050 for the election of directors.
10. Within thirty days after the election of the initial board ofdirectors of the district, the directors shall meet and the time and placeof the first meeting of the board shall be designated by the countycommission. At the first meeting the newly elected board of directorsshall choose a name for the consolidated district and shall notify theclerk of the county commission of each county within which the consolidateddistrict is located of the name of the consolidated district.
11. On the thirtieth day following the election of the board ofdirectors, the existing ambulance districts shall cease to exist and theconsolidated district shall assume all of the powers and duties exercisedby those districts. All assets and obligations of the existing ambulancedistricts shall become assets and obligations of the consolidated district.
(L. 1975 H.B. 642, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with S.B. 210)