Colorado Landlord Tenant Law
Understanding Colorado Landlord-Tenant Law
It’s crucial to have a pretty comprehensive understanding of what’s entailed in Colorado landlord-tenant laws; because in just about every state, there’s something unique to consider.
You’ll learn about:
1. Tenant Rights Under Colorado Landlord-Tenant Laws
2. Landlord Screening Processes Under Colorado Landlord-Tenant Laws
3. And the Warranty of Habitability Act Under Colorado Landlord-Tenant Laws
Tenant Rights Under Colorado Landlord-Tenant Laws
Colorado landlord-tenant law is pretty specific about tenant rights, which would include:
1. The Right to Fair and Equitable Treatment
2. The Right to Reasonable Prior Notice for Entry by Landlord
3. The Right to Receive a Return on Security Deposits When Moving Out
4. The Right to Notification of Any Charges Against Deposits
What does all of that mean in terms of Colorado landlord-tenant law? Simple.
When it comes to fair and equitable treatment, we’re talking about….
1. The Application Process Under CO Landlord-Tenant Law
2. The Current Residency of Property
3. And Moving Out
Basically, the entire situation between a landlord and tenant under CO landlord-tenant law from the moment a tenant begins an application for the purpose of moving in to the moment when a tenant then moves out.
Fair and equitable treatment under CO landlord-tenant law can be anything like allowing a tenant to apply no matter the race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or background. Following specific landlord laws under the CO landlord-tenant law as well are a must – such as a tenant’s right to privacy and an ability to call services in regards to disturbances in the neighborhood.
In addition, part of those specific landlord laws under the CO landlord-tenant law include always giving notice before entering property, even for the purpose of maintenance or repairs of property. The right to privacy is taken seriously under Colorado landlord-tenant law.
Also security deposits by Colorado landlord-tenant law must be returned to a tenant moving out within a timeline of 30 days. If by chance there are repairs that need to be made resulting from the entire residency, the landlord must make out a report with all expenses to be deducted from the deposit and then handed over to the tenant as a measure of good faith.
As For a Landlord Screening Process….
The law does allow it. However, only certain questions are allowed:
1. Questions About the Tenant’s Profession
2. Roommates or Additional Persons on the Prospective Lease
3. Questions About Criminal History
4. Questions About the Sex Offender Registry
By law, a landlord cannot ask these sorts of questions:
1. Questions About Your Race, Ethnicity, or National Origin
2. Questions About Your Religious Beliefs
3. Questions About Your Sexual Orientation or Marital Status
4. Questions About Whether or Not You Have Children
5. Questions About Whether or Not You Have Mental or Physical Disabilities
The Warranty of Habitability Act
This is specific to Colorado, enacted back in 2008, encouraging both landlords and tenants to maintain the quality of housing.
While protecting the rights of tenants to live in habitable property, it also holds tenants accountable to maintain such property well. If not, the Act can mandate an eviction or applicable fines.
To enact the laws of the Act, though, it’s crucial to have evidence that something is substantially wrong with the property, such as:
1. Deficient Roofing
2. Hazardous Walls
3. Lack of Windows
4. Broken Doors
5. Destroyed Floors
6. Dangerous Stairs and Railings
7. Busted Locks
8. Inefficient Plumbing or Gas Facilities
9. Problematic Water, Heating, and Electrical Systems
Knowing the Law Is Important
It’s important that everyone is held accountable to what the law says. Information is there. Review it. Know it. Live it.
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