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31. Living Will Florida
A living will is a document drawn up a person specifying what medical steps they wish to be taken if they are rendered incapable of voicing their own opinion by a terminal illness or injury. When a person is in a coma, too mentally damaged to make a decision or otherwise not able to make their own decisions, a living will can direct physicians how to proceed. Florida does ..
32. Living Will Form California
An Introduction to Living Will Forms CaliforniaLiving will forms California are legal documents that help you to dictate what you types of medical treatment you want for times when you are no longer able to make those decisions yourself. They insure you peace of mind and the ability to seek rehabilitation when you see fit, if you see fit. As legal documents, they can be complic..
33. Living Will Form Florida
A Short Introduction to Living Will Forms FloridaLiving will forms Florida are the most important type of Florida advanced directive. They dictate how you’d like medical decisions affecting your own body to be made after you are no longer able to express your own feelings. Many feel motivated to seek out living will forms Florida when they are struck with a serious disease, b..
34. Living Will Georgia
A living will is a document which specifies the medical steps a person wishes to be taken in the event that they are rendered incapable of making a decision. This can occur as the result of a injury or illness that places the person in a terminal condition, with no possible expectation of recovery. Since 2007, in Georgia living wills have become a section of a larger document k..
35. Living Will Illinois
Anyone of sound mental health is entitled at age 18 or older to draw up a living will specifying the medical procedures they would like to be taken if they experience an injury or illness that leads to a terminal condition. Illinois’ department of health provides sample forms that you can model a living will on but does not require you to make use of it.A living will can easi..
36. Living Will Indiana
At any time, a person age 18 or older is allowed to draw up a living will. This document details the steps the person wishes to be taken if an illness or injury leave them in terminal condition. This means the person is expected to die soon and there can be no reasonable hope of recovery, or that they have lapsed into a coma or are otherwise not responsive to the environment ar..
37. Living Will Kentucky
Guide to Kentucky living willsAnyone 18 or older is allowed to create a living will in the state of Kentucky. This document creates instructions to be followed if you are terminally ill or injured or in a state of permanent unconsciousness and are unable to express your wishes. The state provides a living will form that can be modified at your discretion, though the basic forma..
38. Living Will Maryland
Guide to Maryland living willsLiving wills are documents which specify the wishes of someone who is incapable of expressing themselves because of unconsciousness or terminal illness. Maryland’s laws allow anyone who wishes to create a living will to draft their own. While the attorney general’s office provides a suggested form that people can easily complete with the h..
39. Living Will Massachusetts
Guide to Massachusetts Living WillsThough most states allow people to draft living wills that legally obligate doctors to follow the patient’s written wishes concerning treatment if they are unconscious or otherwise unable to make a decision, in Massachusetts such documents are not legally binding. While you are free to create a living will, there is no guarantee its instruct..
40. Living Will Michigan
Guide to Michigan living willsWhile most states recognize living wills as legally binding instructions on how to treat terminally ill or injured people who can no longer make their wishes known due to unconsciousness or loss of communication skills, Michigan does not. Though you may write a living will specifying what you wish to be done if you are terminally ill, in a permanen..
41. Living Will Minnesota
Guide to Minnesota living willsA living will is a document which takes effect when a person is terminally ill, in a coma or otherwise close to death and unable to communicate their wishes. While a living will can be written from scratch,  any such documents drawn up in Minnesota must closely follow a set text drafted by the state legislature. In this living will, you speci..
42. Living Will Missouri
A living will is a document stating the wishes of a person in case they become terminally ill or are otherwise incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions. Missouri’s laws regarding living wills are much stricter than most states. Any living will that is drafted must include a paragraph of language that cannot be customized. This paragraph states:• That the person si..
43. Living Will New York
Living wills provide instructions to be followed in the event that the person who has created one is seriously ill and unable to speak for themselves. People who have terminal illnesses or any other health condition that leaves them with no reasonable expectation of being able to continue living may fall into comas or lose their mental capabilities. In this case, living wills a..
44. Living Will North Carolina
Guide to North Carolina living willsWhen someone is terminally ill, permanently unconscious or otherwise unable to express their wishes, a living will comes into effect. This document specifies what kind of treatments should be undertaken or withheld. Physicians are required to abide by its instructions. While there is no official form that must be taken, the North Carolina Sec..
45. Living Will Ohio
At any point in adult life, people may choose to create a living will documenting their wishes for treatment should they become seriously ill. In Ohio, living wills only apply for people who:• Are terminally ill and incapable of making their own decisions• Have fallen into a comaSuch patients create living wills to specify that if they are gravely ill, they do not want the ..