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The New York State Prison System is administered and controlled by the New York State Department of Correction Services. the NYSDOCS is in charge of a total of 71 correctional facilities, which currently hold nearly 63,000 inmates and prisoners. A total of 31,300 makes up the staff of the NYSDOCS, with about 23,000 being correction officers. The headquarters for NYSDOCS is..

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is the federally government agency that is in charge of the administration of the federal prison system in the United States. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, or FBOP, is a considered to be a branch of the United States Department of Justice, and is also responsible for handling inmates that committed federal crimes in the District of Columbia as wel..

In penology, retribution is a justice theory that considers a proportionate punishment a moral response to crime. Retribution focuses on the satisfaction and psychological benefits that exacting punishments can bestow on the victim of the crime, the close associates of the victim, and society as a whole.The philosophical approach that supports Retribution can be understood as "..