Learn the Basic Terminology of Computers
Within law firms, due to the influx of various paperwork attached to each case that is undertaken, paralegals are often hired due to their computer prowess. The employment of computers into the region of law allows for the management and organization of details vital to the law firm's success as records and other documents have become a given part of its everyday dealings.
Prior to even tackling the task of operating such intricate and necessary machines, however, it is important to become familiar with basic computer terminology. First of all, the computer is often referred to as a "CPU". This stands for the "Central Processor Unit". Essentially, this encompasses the crucial chip that is the foundation for the entire operation. It, thus, holds the whole complex machine and its processes together.
The "Desktop" represents the operating system that your cpu is employing to present itself to you on screen. Examples of the like are the "Macintosh and Windows operating systems." They provide the basis for which the system and its layouts are displayed. In the pursuit of increased organization within a law office, "creation of files" would probably be one of you first endeavors. In such a way, you will be enabling the storage of data, equipped with an appropriate file name to distinguish its contents or purpose since it will reside in a directory soon to be composed of numerous others. When creating files, its is important to be vigilant of your computer's "disk space."
This term designates the the actual internal area where the files you create will reside. The more space depicted by this, the more files you may create, and therefore, store on your computer. It is recommended to have more than less as critically-low amounts may affect you cpu's performance. In order to understand the amount of disk space you have, it is, then, advisable to be acquainted with the term "megabyte". One megabyte is equal to one million "keystrokes" within a "text file," a keystroke being each letter or symbol you type, and a text file being the file you compose comprised solely of words.
Since you will be dependent on a computer for the storage of important documents, both created and maintained, you will want to know about the term "crash". This term is representative of the unfortunate occurrence of your computer, and all applications a part of it, suddenly ceasing to exist. This is usually seen as a blue screen or just a blank one altogether. In such a case, you will have lost all documents you may have been currently working on, or at least everything subsequent to the last time you saved them.
To prevent such an incident, it is suggested that you "backup" all of you information, or at least the most vital aspects attached to the law firm's adequate operations, to an "external hard drive". This entails saving copies of the document(s) to an external memory storage device. Equipped with such basic terminology will enable you to proceed as a adequately prepared paralegal amidst the world of legal paperwork.
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