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46. Common Law Marriage Iowa
Quick Guide to Common Law Marriage in IA Common Law Marriages in IowaIowa is one of the few states within the US that permits common law marriage. IA residents will usually declare common law marriages in Iowa if they do not want a traditional wedding ceremony but still want the tax benefits of a legal marriage. The majority of the information in this section a..
47. Common Law Marriage Kentucky
Guide to Common Law Marriage in KentuckyThere are many myths about the institution of common law marriage. Many people believe that two people will be considered to be in a common law marriage in KY if they live together for a certain number of years, or if they have children together and call each other husband and wife. The truth is substantially more complex, and..
48. Common Law Marriage Louisiana
A brief guide to common law marriage in LouisianaAlong with Washington D.C., there are only ten states that legally recognize common law marriage. However, common law marriages in Louisiana are not recognized by judges or the court system. Therefore, if you move from another state in which this arrangement is valid, you may need to consider the possibility of getting formally ..
49. Common Law Marriage Massachusetts
What is Common Law Marriage: Massachusetts?Common-law marriage is an uncommon type of union between husband and wife. Only a few states in the U.S. recognize common-law marriage; those states that allow the formation attach strict requirements for validation purposes. In general, the following requirements must be satisfied to engage in a common law marriage:How to get a C..
50. Common Law Marriage Michigan
Quick Guide to Common Law Marriage in MichiganAre Common Law Marriages in Michigan Legal?The answer is yes, and no. The state has not allowed a common law marriage in Michigan to hold validity since 1957, but numerous such marriages hold validity because the spouses are old enough, or their common law marriage is recognized by another state and jurisdiction. In orde..
51. Common Law Marriage Mississippi

52. Common Law Marriage Nebraska
Quick Guide to Common Law Marriage in NebraskaCommon Law Marriage: NebraskaCommon-law marriage laws have not allowed to type of marriage to occur since 1923, and the state has specific marriage requirements. Until recently, the court would not even consider property division settlements or other settlements often heard by a court for divorce and marriage settlements.Now, common..
53. Common Law Marriage New Mexico
Quick Guide to Common-Law Marriage in NMCommon-law marriage laws in New Mexico do not allow recognition of the type of marriage. Common law marriage in New Mexico was never recognized by the state, and until recently, the court would not even consider property division settlements or other settlements often heard by a court for recognized divorce and marriage requirements..
54. Common Law Marriage New York
Guide to New York Common Law MarriageIf you have been cohabiting with a significant other for several years and consider yourself married, you may wonder if NY common law marriage laws allow you to have the same rights as other married couples. This guide can help you understand the basics of common law marriage and the current status of New York common law marriage laws...
55. Common Law Marriage North Carolina
Quick Guide to Common Law Marriage North Carolina Are Common Law Marriages (North Carolina) Legal?A common law marriage (North Carolina) has never been recognized within the state, but there are some common law marriages that hold validity in the state. Common law marriages (North Carolina) have never been recognized by the state because of Chapter 51-1 of the s..
56. Common Law Marriage Ohio
Laws Regarding Ohio Common Law Marriage What is Common Law Marriage? According to the NCSL, the National Conference of State Legislatures, a common law marriage in Ohio requires “a positive mutual agreement, permanent and exclusive of all others, to enter into a marriage relationship, cohabitation sufficient to warrant a fulfillment of necessary of man and wife, and..
57. Common Law Marriage Oklahoma
Guide to Common Law Marriage in OklahomaThere are many misunderstandings about common law marriage in OK. The institution of common law marriage in Oklahoma has undergone changes in recent years, and many state residents have been left unsure about the legal status of their relationships. This guide can provide a basic overview of common law marriage in OK. If..
58. Common Law Marriage Oregon
Guide to Common Law Marriage in OregonMany cohabiting couples believe that their relationship qualifies as a common law marriage in OR. If you believe you are in this type of relationship, or you want to know how to enter into a common law marriage in Oregon, you need to understand the state's marriage laws. This guide will teach you about current laws surrounding c..
59. Common Law Marriage Pennsylvania
Guide to Common Law Marriage in PennsylvaniaThere are many myths surrounding common law marriage in PA. Many people believe that you are entering into a common law marriage in Pennsylvania if you cohabitate with a partner for long enough, or have children together and share a last name. However, the truth is significantly more complex. This guide will help you..
60. Common Law Marriage Puerto Rico
Guide to Common Law Marriage in Puerto RicoThere are many misunderstandings about common law marriage in PR. Many people believe that couples who live together for a certain number of years (usually 7) or who have children together and describe themselves as married have a common law marriage in Puerto Rico. This guide will help you understand whether your common la..