Social Media Marketing Services
Everything About Social Media Marketing Services
Just a few years ago, the web wasn't much of a social arena, especially for lawyers. Today, social is king: over 80 percent of law firms report some social media marketing activity. Maximizing your marketing through social media can be tough, especially if the attorneys at your small firm aren't internet experts. Because of this, many firms today have turned to social media marketing services. If you're not sure whether your firm could use a social media marketing service, read on: they may be even more useful than you think.
Client Referrals and Marketing Through Social Media
Today, the online social media world has, to some degree, largely replaced the traditional social sphere for a number of potential clients of all ages. Word of mouth referrals today are more likely than ever to come through Facebook or LinkedIn rather than an actual face to face conversation. What this means is that marketing through social media can get you not only a loyal client base, but a loyal client base that tells their friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances about the quality of the legal services you offer.
Business to business marketing is also much easier when you use social media marketing services. Making connections on LinkedIn or Google Plus can be easier than in-person networking, and allows you to do a great deal of research on potential B2B connections that would be difficult or impossible without marketing through social media.
Why Would I Outsource to a Social Media Marketing Service?
When law firms start to look at marketing through social media, they often debate creating their social media presence in-house or using social media marketing services. While some firms can afford to hire a full-time person to handle their marketing through social media, this is a luxury not every firm has. If you can't get someone to do social media full-time, your next best option is a social media marketing service. These services employ experts who know best practices for marketing through social media today.
When you outsource your social media presence to social media marketing services, you don't have to lose control of your brand. A good social media marketing service will work with you to meet your goals, and won't stop you from changing your strategy when you need to (though they may advise against a strategy that goes against established practices).
Trying to do all of your marketing through social media in-house instead of using a social media marketing service can lead to big problems. Juggling multiple responsibilities including social media marketing services can be very difficult for a law firm employee, especially since the social media world is in constant flux and requires constant continuing education to stay on top of new developments.
Blogging With a Social Media Marketing Service
In addition to managing your presence on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, many social media marketing services also offer blogging services. Blogging is one of the best ways to increase the amount of quality, relevant content on your website, and can enhance your page rank in organic search results.
A social media marketing service can not only make sure that your blog is maintained and has fresh, interesting posts, but can also monitor comments and moderate any discussions that occur as a result of blog posts. This can help your firm to interact with potential clients who have questions and aren't yet ready to make a phone call. Maintaining a helpful, frequently updated blog is a form of marketing through social media that can generate a steady stream of new clients for your law firm.
Creating Your Brand with Social Media Marketing Services
The key to winning clients at any law firm is differentiating yourself from the competition—something a social media marketing service can make possible. Too often, all law firms can look the same to potential clients. Marketing through social media can change that, because the human factor makes a difference: for example, clients are up to 50 percent more likely to call a law firm that has videos on its website. A social media marketing service can create a Facebook and Twitter presence for your firm that gives your brand a voice and an identity, making you seem different from your competitors and easier for potential new clients to talk to.
When you use social media marketing services, you can discuss your goals for marketing through social media. A social media marketing service can help you to create a brand if you haven't done much with branding, or can help you to project an already existing brand image across a wide range of social media platforms.
Reputation Management with Social Media Marketing Services
One of the biggest reasons that law firms today hire a social media marketing service is to handle their online reputation. If you've tried any marketing through social media, you may already know how quickly your reputation can suffer online.
Social media marketing services can monitor the reputation of your law firm across a wide range of websites, including common social media sites and ratings sites. If you receive a negative review on a ratings site, your social media marketing service can get to the bottom of it: in some cases, it may have come from a competitor rather than a real client, and it may be able to be completely erased. Social media marketing services can also help you to work on getting better reviews from clients, and give you good tips for asking clients to write a positive review.
Reputation management can also help you know when an action taken by your law firm may be drawing fire from your community. This can be especially critical for firms handling cases involving sensitive matters relating to the finance community or for criminal defense attorneys. Finding out early about a potential public relations issue can help you to do damage control right away, rather than waiting for it to spiral out of control.
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