Denver Law Firm
What Makes a Good Denver Law Firm?
Colorado may be a quiet place, but when it comes to issues regarding the law, it’s anything but quiet. Lawyers get plenty of work everywhere – no matter how quiet. This is why it’s crucial to understand what makes a good Denver law firm.
It’s not as simple as looking in a phone book for an attorney. Leaky faucets are pretty much a dime a dozen, just the same as plumbers. But cases requiring legal representation? Nothing says unique like that. All kinds of cases can arise these days –
1. Criminal Charges
2. Estate Planning
3. Probate
4. Court Martial
5. Copyright
6. Auto Accident
7. Mutual Funds
8. Mergers & Acquisitions
9. Divorce
10. Marriage
11. Adoption
12. Juvenile Delinquency
The list is honestly a mile long. There’s not one facet of life the law cannot touch. So, again, it’s important to know this:
Don’t just look in the phone book for any lawyer. Know the strengths. In particular, the strengths of all kinds of Denver law firms out there. It shouldn’t be too hard, considering….
There Are Only Two Kinds of Denver Law Firms to Keep an Eye on
Just two? Well, that should be easy. But hold on that thought. Like every attorney works differently and have different strengths, the same will go for just about every Denver law firm out there.
They can, however, be separated into two different types. And it helps to understand both types and better diversify a shortlist of lawyers for a better chance of hiring the right attorney for a job.
Here are the two types:
1. “Large” Law Firms
2. “Small” Law Offices
This is why typically you see the smaller buildings with the title of “The Law Offices of [Insert Name]”. “Firms” are generally massive; you can look at it as a large number of separate ‘offices’ working together in one ‘firm.’
For the most part, these two types of Denver law firms are separated simply by size. But they do have their unique strengths, and it’s important to know them.
Starting Off With the Smaller Denver Law “Firms”: the Law Offices
These are true lone warriors of the legal field. Typically one, two, or maybe even three attorneys head the business along with one personal assistant or secretary onboard. And that’s it. No other staffing required.
You might find these smaller Denver law “firms” in one little building or even in one small section a business complex building. And the business typically requires four or five rooms at the most for purposes of business.
Small doesn’t mean weak in this case, though – the good smaller Denver law firms can certainly pack a punch, and here’s why.
1. Less Expensive
2. More Hardworking
3. Less Impersonal
4. More Knowledge of the State Laws
5. And Better Specialization
This is automatically what a prospective client hopes for in a Denver law firm: cheap prices. Why? Because in the long run, lawyers cost a good amount of money. If a client can save a few bucks, all the better.
With some exceptions involving massively amazing track records among lawyers working in smaller offices and a specialized niche without a whole lot of ‘competition,’ generally the smaller Denver law firm will charge less than the bigger boys out there.
And that’s not necessarily due to competitive prices either.
It would stand to reason that a smaller office doesn’t have as big a budget or bottom line, so why charge more? Based on the needs of the office, the price is what it is, and if it’s competitive with the bigger offices, so be it. It has nothing to do with competition. And the smaller prices won’t sacrifice competency, skill, or experience with the law.
Furthermore, because a smaller Denver law firm operates under smaller conditions, maintaining and retaining clientele is even more important. Business hinges on one client. A larger firm can stand to lose a client or two without irreparable harm to the business, but a smaller Denver law firm? No.
That means the lawyer, or two or three lawyers, working in the office will bust tail to get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed and to make sure the best possible chance to win the case exists.
Clients like that.
Obviously in a smaller setting, clients get more of the rapport and personal service from a lawyer. Rather than be a simple ‘case number’ to an attorney, a client’s treated like a human being, often understand in his or her situation, and that benefits the case greatly.
And you can bet with the standard that the smaller offices often operate locally, lawyers working in these settings will have a much better understanding of local and state laws than any of the big boys might. It’s their specialized field. You can’t beat that. The same obviously goes for their specialty. Take a lawyer working a small office specializing in divorce over a larger firm that has the “department” for that particular niche any day.
So What About the Larger Firms?
While it may seem true that the bigger they are, the harder they fall, it certainly does make sense that it’s a lot harder for the big boys to fall than the little ones! That’s why no client should discount the larger law corporations out there.
Here are some strengths to keep an eye on for this type of law office.
1. Better Team Mentality
2. Better Track Record
3. Better Resources
4. Better Technology
It just seems to be all-around better. There’s more detail in this, though –
First off, where one lawyer can handle the entire case and have a great understanding of what’s necessary, a team of lawyers may have a better chance of winning. And in all honesty, this is a fundamental characteristic of the larger law firms. Many times more than one lawyer may be assigned one case.
In addition, the larger firms will have a team of paralegals and legal assistants handy to take care of the bread-and-butter work –
1. Filing
2. Interviews
3. Running
4. Writing
5. Calls
Everything that takes away from a lawyer’s work inside the courtroom is less energy the lawyer has to work inside the courtroom. And there’s no way around it – the best way to win any case is to work the case inside the courtroom!
That obviously makes for a better track record, in general. Even more so, lawyers working in the larger firms will have access to better resources –
1. A Larger Library
2. Colleagues to Work Off of
3. General Convenience.
Technology is supercharged as well. No more having to run to a copy machine, head to the city library, carry boatloads of files and folders. A lawyer working in the larger setting can have any assistant do all of that work with the help of smartphones, tablets, and laptops galore.
But It All Comes Down to One Decision….
Which lawyer’s the best person for the job? It all depends on the case.
But knowing the strengths of those two kinds of law firms in the city of Denver will help anyone make the right decision. It could go either way. But the point is to be prepared, to have a good understanding of the law.
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