Atlanta Law Firms
What Makes a Good Atlanta Law Firm?
One of the most important choices a client can make in Atlanta, Georgia, regarding just about any case you can think of –
1. Malpractice Suit
2. Divorce
3. Criminal
4. Immigration
5. And Plenty More
The choice is simply this: which attorney should I hire?
The Dilemma of Choosing a Suitable Atlanta Law Firm
Let’s say a client has a good shortlist going. One thing you’d notice right away is that every office or firm on that list is unique. Even under the same legal niche.
Obviously, there’s variety in the legal industry. It’s a field of work that’s so all-inclusive in just about every aspect of life, that the honest truth is lawyers aren’t a dime a dozen. Hence, you’ll find that Atlanta law firms or offices out there aren’t a dime a dozen.
So that raises the question of which Atlanta law firm to go with. And why does it matter?
Here’s Why It Matters: There Are Advantages to Both Large Law Firms and Smaller Law Offices in the City of Atlanta
But it all depends on the case.
Starting with large Atlanta law firms, what are the advantages?
1. More Experience
2. Team Effectiveness
3. No Case Overload
4. Better Technology
5. Exceptional Track Record
6. Better Overall History and Knowledge
It’s a fact: larger Atlanta law firms do have more experience in the field, specifically in the courtroom. The chances are better in finding an effective trial lawyer in a larger Atlanta law firm. And for most cases, that’s what a client wants: a trial lawyer.
It does make perfect sense; when such an Atlanta law firm is that large, chances are the firm’s experience can be lengthy. And the lengthier the experience, the more reliable the service.
Moreover, typically in these types of Atlanta law firms there’s a team mentality. In fact, some firms might make it a policy to appoint at least two attorneys to any given case no matter how simple the case may be. It stands to reason that the conventional adage still applies: two heads are better than one.
In addition, larger Atlanta law firms also have a huge staff onboard in the form of legal assistants, paralegals, legal writers. The list goes on and on. That turns just about every partner or associate on the team for any large Atlanta law firm into what every client would want for a case: a trial lawyer.
Because all of the paperwork and writing is essentially done for the attorneys. All the attorneys need to do is present it right in the courtroom – and they present it effectively.
Clients might additionally find that larger Atlanta law firms will more likely accept a case due to the fact that they have the staffing to handle the work. In any given department, five or ten lawyers might be available. No attorney will break his or her back on a case, because there will be plenty to go around for prospects.
This is particularly good for clients, because they can be ensured that any attorney on the case will provide the very best attention and energy, undivided and without fail.
And it certainly helps to have the best technology available, such as –
1. Good Internet Resources
2. Smartphone Technology
3. Research Technology
The whole nine yards. That’s always been one big issue with the legal field – tons and tons of paperwork and needing more and more filing cabinets to organize them. Thanks to technology, it’s been made a lot easier to handle. And the easier it is for lawyers, the easier it is for clients.
Without a doubt, the obvious history and overall knowledge of the law tends to lead to a great track record in court, and no client can’t deny that.
So Where Does That Leave All the “Small Local Offices” Out There in Atlanta?
Don’t leave those little offices behind, because they do have their unique strengths. If a client’s smart, he or she can determine whether the case would benefit from having those strengths onboard.
Those strengths include:
1. Smaller Rates and Fees
2. Personal Feel
3. More Hardworking
4. More Localized and Specialized
5. Possible Great Long-Term Business Relationship
And to think it was an easy choice – that size matters. Wrong. Size most definitely does not matter when it comes to the smaller law offices in Atlanta.
For starters, they generally charge less than the larger firms. While a larger-firm attorney might charge a hefty retainer fee, a hardworking lawyer on the corner street working in a tiny room may only need the common hourly rate. And if it’s a settlement out of a lawsuit, a simple contingency fee may be the only form of payment required.
Also it helps with certain cases to get a personal feel and attention. This is especially true in criminal cases. Clients want to know that they’re understood – that they’re supported. Sometimes a true big-time lawyer in a large firm will look at any client as a ‘number’ on the list.
Typically, smaller-firm attorneys will literally cherish the clients they have. They may seem much more hardworking, and for one obvious reason: return clientele isn’t a common thing for these offices unless they make that personal connection. And that’s a big definite for some smaller law firms in Atlanta – they don’t make their money based on the quantity of clients, but on the quality of clients.
That’s the Rundown – So Which Would You Want?
What it all comes down to is the facts of the case, what the case is all about. That can determine quite easily if a smaller office or larger office in Atlanta may suit you. Consider all these strengths between each type of law firm.
And then make the choice for yourself.
It might make sense to go with a larger office if the case is so complex that it might take a lot of heads to figure out the best route. However, some individuals might be so seasoned in their practice – without a big law firm, with years of experience – that a complex case may be a specialty.
It all depends on the feel for the firm. The feel for the attorney. So simply make the choice. And all you can do is hope that the choice was a good one.
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