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Founding Father: James WilsonJames Wilson was born in September the 14th, 1742 in Scotland. Here, he went to the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. James Wilson never finished his studies or got his degree, since in 1765 he sailed for the New World. With the help of some letters of introduction, James Wilson became a tutor for a short time at the College of Ph..

Founding Father: John AdamsJohn Adams was the first Second President and the first Vice President of the United States. His son, John Quincy Adams, was the sixth President of the United States.John Adam’s Early LifeAdams was born in October 30, 1735 in Quincy, Massachusetts. He went to Harvard College and graduated in 1755. Afterwards, he studied law with Rufus Putnam, and al..

Founding Father: John HancockJohn Hancock’s Early LifeJohn Hancock was born on January 12, 1737 to a very wealthy family in Braintree Massachusetts, which is now called Quincy. John Hancock had a very happy childhood with his mother, father, and two siblings. John Hancock often studied and played with his friend, John Adams, who later went on to become the first Vice-Presiden..

John WitherspoonJohn Witherspoon was born near Edinburgh, Scotland on February 5, 1723 into a ministerial family. He went to the University of Edinburgh at the age of 13 and got his Master of Arts in 1739 and his degree in divinity 4 years after. John Witherspoon married Elizabeth Montgomery, and had ten children with her, but only five of them survived. President of the C..

Korematsu v. United States: The BackgroundThe trial of Korematsu v. United States started during World War II, when President Roosevelt passed Executive Order 9066 to command the placement of Japanese residents and Japanese citizens who were staying or located in the United States into special facilities where they were excluded from the general population. Isolating people fro..

Loving v. Virginia: The BackgroundThe case of Loving v. Virginia deals with marriage laws. It begins with a woman named Mildred Loving, an African-American who married Richard Loving, a Caucasian male. The couple married in Washington D.C. in the year of 1958. Both Richard and Mildred were residents of the state of Virginia; however, Virginia did not allow couples of different ..

Marbury v. Madison: The BackgroundThe case of Marbury v. Madison is a landmark Supreme Court case. Marbury v. Madison is one of the most influential and groundbreaking legal proceeding in the history of the United States. The Marbury v. Madison case was the first of its kind. It dealt with administrative law, which is classified as the scope of law that involves any or all inte..

McCulloch v. Maryland: The BackgroundThe case of McCulloch v. Maryland was a groundbreaking Federal court case that dealt with the formation of a federal bank and a series of individual banks. The case of McCulloch v. Maryland started through a series of important events that involved a number of laws. The following laws will allow you to understand what was going on with the M..

Miranda v. Arizona: The BackgroundThe case of Miranda v. Arizona is a famous and important legal case. The decision of Miranda v. Arizona led to the creation of something very important that is practiced to this day. The case of Miranda v. Arizona took place in the state of Arizona when a young man named Ernesto Miranda was arrested after being accused of raping a female in 196..

Founding Father: Patrick HenryPatrick Henry’s Early LifePatrick Henry was born on May 29, 1736, in Studley, Virginia. As a child, Patrick Henry was a little bit lazy, so his parents were worried about his future. They knew he would not be a farmer, so they tried to educate him at home. He would not pay attention to his studies as well, so when he was 21 years old, he father s..

Perry v. Schwarzenegger: The BackgroundThe Perry v. Schwarzenegger case put one of the world’s biggest movie stars in the courtroom. The case started in May of 2009 when the County Court of Alameda, California refused to allow a same sex couple to receive a marriage license. The couple, Kristin Perry and Sandra Steir, was denied the right to legally marry in the country. The ..

Powell v. Alabama: The BackgroundThe case of Powell v. Alabama was a landmark trial heard by the United States Supreme Court. The case ultimately determined that in a capital legal trial, the defending party is always awarded access to a lawyer if he or she requests on. Defendants in all capital cases are awarded this right because of the due process clause of the United States..

Founding Father: Roger ShermanEarly Life of Roger ShermanRoger Sherman was born on April 19, 1721 in Newton, Massachusetts. When he was two years old, his family moved to Stoughton where he attended the country school, and began learning how to be a cobbler from his father. As a young boy, Roger Sherman wanted to read and learn and did as much as possible during his spare time...

Roper v. Simmons: The BackgroundThe case of Roper v. Simmons took place in 2004. However, the situation that sparked the case began in 1993, when a minor (aged 17) named Christopher Simmons murdered a female victim named Shirley Crook. Simmons planned his murder in detail; he knew what he wanted to do and he did it. In 1993, Christopher Simmons entered the home of Shirley ..

Founding Father: Samuel AdamsEarly Life of Samuel AdamsSamuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722 in Quincy, Massachusetts. His family was well off and respected in the community. Samuel Adams went to Boston Latin School and then went on to go to Harvard College. Afterwards, he got his master’s degree. Samuel Adams decided to get involved in business. Unfortunately, he lost ..