Toy Machine Gun Overview
In the United States, machine guns are generally not for sale because they are strictly limited by law. However, toy machine guns are widely available. In addition, recreational replicas, such as those used in paint pall, are also for sale.
Toy machine guns for sale often include purchases for children that use the guns to play games. Unfortunately, toy machine guns often look so much like the real thing that police officers can not always tell the difference.
There have been many attempts to ban the sale of toy guns because they are often mistaken for the real thing. There have in fact been many reported incidence of youngsters being shot by police, because they believed the weapon was real.
In addition, bans on toy machine guns for sale would prevent criminals from using the replicas during the commission of a crime. There have been many reports of robberies which were committed using replica weapons.Although there was no real threat of injury, the perpetrators were able to utilize the toy machine guns to instill fear in their victims and gain compliance.
Since it has been difficult to ban toy replicas of weapons, but many toy makers have taken steps to identify the replicas as toys. For example, the replicas are often brightly colored, so that police officers can immediately identify them as toys. In addition, they have made the weapons to look less like the real thing, such as altering the placement of parts so that they are not mistaken for functioning machine guns.
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