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For the would-be gun owner, determining the laws about obtaining a gun license in his or her state is the first step. While there are certain federal statutes that will have an impact on obtaining a gun license, no matter where you may call home, each state has its own particular laws concerning gun licenses and how often they are issued. Some states require a purchaser to obta..

As a rule of thumb, gun cleaning should take place every time the weapon is fired. However, many will not clean their guns as often, but it is generally recommended that gun cleaning should be undertaken regularly. The main reason behind this has to do with the build up left behind by the power found in ammunition. When gun powder was used as the main source of propellant ..

An important aspect to firearm and gun safety is assuring that firearms work properly before they are ever used or fired. Like any other tool, a gun or firearm must maintained and serviced in order for it to function correctly and efficiently.One of the main factors to keeping a firearm working and functioning at its optimum is gun cleaning. Gun cleaning helps the a firearm wor..
Most weapons that have a firing mechanism, such as pistols, can use a silencer to make the sound of that weapon being fired undetectable. The principles involved in manufacturing a silencer are all based on the same ideas. However, silencers made for different weapons may use different technology and different models. For instance, a pistol silencer will be different than a rif..
Guns are weapons which can be used to gain compliance, inflict harm of cause the death of another. Guns may also be used in hunting and for other recreational purposes, such as target shooting. Replica guns may be used for recreational purposes as well, such as airguns which are replicas and meant to simulate the real weapon.Guns are made of metal and usually coated in metals w..
Gunsmith jobs in the context of the firearm market and infrastructure of gun control laws of the United States can be secured in terms of a general state of a degree of license greater than many other settings for firearm regulation.In this regard, gunsmithing tools to be used during the course of a career in this profession will draw from a number of different subjects, includ..

A gunsmith as a professional is involved in the creation and upkeep of firearms, and as such is required to hold knowledge and expertise in a number of areas of craft.Gunsmiths can work in a number of different employment settings, including companies involved in the initial manufacture of guns, large-scale organizations, such as military groups, which depend on the ability to ..

A great deal of gun violence in America, outside of suicides,
is perpetrated using illegal guns. Regardless of how anyone feels on the issue
of gun rights, illegal guns are undeniably criminal, and a major problem facing
America today. There are many constituent issues that help explain how and why
illegal guns are such a problem; read on to find out how these issues ad..

In America, there are an estimated 250-280 million firearms. Out of these, it is of course impossible to tell how many are illegal weapons, as the very nature of a weapon being illegal would preclude its registration to the current owner or wielder.But it is still fairly clear with a cursory glance of some statistics that illegal weapons have made their ways into the hands of p..

ITAR: The International Traffic in Arms RegulationsThe International Traffic in Arms Regulations, or ITAR, is a group of regulations by the United States government that are in place in order to control the import and export of different defense-related services and articles that are found on the United States Munitions List.ITAR includes the provisions seen in Title 22 Chapter..

Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a coalition of, as the title would suggest, mayors from various American cities who have banded together in order to take action against the problem of illegal guns, be it through implementing new gun laws in their own jurisdictions, or through whatever other means they can. As they say on their website, "The issue of illegal guns is not conservat..

The National Firearms Act was originally enacted in 1934. The act included an excise tax on certain weapons when they were manufactured or transferred between individuals or entities. In addition, the National firearms Act also included the requirement that certain firearms be registered, so that the owner of a numbered weapon was on record. Serial numbers are the easiest..

BackgroundThe National Rifle Association, or more commonly referred to as the NRA, has its roots that can be traced back to the American Civil War. When it was first formed, the organization was merely club or program designed to teach soldiers the necessary skills in being a proficient rifleman, such as marksmanship and shooting techniques.The NRA was formed by two retired Civ..

The conception of the internet has revolutionized retail shopping and consumer spending techniques. Transportation costs, dealing with throngs of shoppers, and difficulty locating an obscure item are all things of the past.Like any other product, a consumer has the ability to purchase guns, ammunition, Kevlar, parts etc online. Selling guns online seems like a frightening prosp..

Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a coalition of, as the title would suggest, mayors from various American cities who have banded together in order to take action against the problem of illegal guns, be it through implementing new gun laws in their own jurisdictions, or through whatever other means they can. As they say on their website, "The issue of illegal guns is not conservat..