Driving Record
What is a Driving Record?
Your driving record provides a history of all traffic violations, suspensions and other details concerning your driving history. The driving record is a fundamental document used by insurance companies and law enforcement departments to effectively gauge your driving abilities and your willingness to abide by traffic laws. Shaky driving records yield various negative externalities; an individual with a lengthy history of traffic violations, suspensions or accidents will face higher insurance premiums and restrictions on their driver’s license. Note: these penalties are instituted by your respective insurance company and the traffic department of the state in which you are registered.
All driving records can be obtained from your local DMV or third-party advertisers. Although the DMV is regarded as the traditional route, third-party agencies provide a more efficient attainment of your driving record. In addition to viewing your driving record, you may also attain your spouse’s or minor child’s driving record, if they reside at the same address as you.
Check your Driving Record?
It is recommended that you sporadically check your driving record to view the condition of your license—driving with a suspended license is a crime in several states and is commonly attached with hefty fines or in more severe cases, imprisonment. Whenever you want to check the status of your license, you can order a driving record report from your local DMV or third-party agency. This driving record will denote the validity of your license. If your license has been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate why and list what is on record at your DMV. The report will also elucidate on all points that have been filed against your license (points are attached to your license for egregious traffic violations).
All driving records are public documents. If you have a legitimate reason (does not include curiosity) you may obtain a copy of anyone’s driving record. That being said, your local DMV will black-out personal information, such as the individual’s home address and their Social Security number.
Driving Records for Businesses:
A business entity may order a driver record from their state’s Department of Motor Vehicles as part of their employment screening procedure. Employers aligned with shipping or transport, often observe prospective applicant’s driving records to gauge the individual’s driving abilities and their observance of traffic law. Additionally, as stated before, the driving record will denote the applicant’s residency status and the condition of their driver’s license.
How do I Request a Copy of my Driving Record?
All states have different rules regarding the acquisition of a driving record. Remember, driving records are held and updated by your local state’s Department of Motor Vehicles; as such, it is recommended to visit your state’s DMV website to view the exact procedure.
In a broad sense, to attain a copy of your driving record, you will need to go in person to your local DMV and fill-out a “Request for Your Own Driver License Record” application. Be sure to bring at least two proofs of identification and a form of payment to satisfy the application fee. The majority of driving records will be sent to you through regular mail.
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