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16. Phone Purchasing Overview

17. Prevention Disability Fraud Overview
The prevention of instances of false advertising primarily results from the penalties that are enforced against instances of false advertising, even though false advertising law in general is focused on prevention, as opposed to punishment. This is because the primary way in which it serves such a function is by working to bring perpetrators into court for civil chargesFederal ..
18. Quick And Easy Guide to Arson Defense
What is Arson?Arson is an illegal action that is recognized by the act of intentionally and maliciously setting fire to a structure or wooded area. Arson is recognized throughout the world; however, each country interprets and defines the action differently.Arson is held in contrast from other actions that may precipitate a fire, such as natural wildfires or spontaneous combust..
19. Quick Overview of Marriage Fraud Reasons
Marriage fraud may be
executed for a variety of reasons. Statistics..
20. Quick Overview On Individual Collecting on Deceased
When a death of a friend or family member occurs, it is important to alert social security offices immediately. This is due in part to stop social security income checks from being issued to the deceased. It is the sole responsibility of the person who is receiving these payments to report the death to the social security offices.When some people do not report the death, some i..
21. Quick Overview To The Pump and Dump Scheme

22. Quick Overview To Victim Of Social Security Fraud

23. Soft Fraud Overview
Soft fraud is the type of insurance fraud in which the perpetrator lies to the insurance company in a claim, but in a more subtle, sometimes more innocuous fashion. A prime example of soft fraud, is that of an individual who claims that he or she is sick, when he or she is not, and thereby manages to take the day off from work while receiving workers' compensation benefits.Soft..
24. The California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act

25. Understanding Bait and Switch

26. Understanding Fillers and Over sized Packaging
Some forms of deceptive advertising Deceptive advertising uses fillers primarily to make consumers think they are purchasing something more valuable than it actually is, by bulking up its size without keeping its quality consistent.A primary example of such deceptive advertising is in pet food, as fillers are often used in the food in order to simply bulk up the size of th..
27. Understanding FTC Case
This is an FTC case, however, which focuses on preventing bad business practices like deceptive advertising, as opposed to punishing them. This does not deal with a class action lawsuit brought up against a company that had perpetrated deceptive advertising. Such a lawsuit cannot result in any criminal charges brought against the defendant, but it can involve significant fines ..
28. What Are Bankruptcy Fraud Types
Bankruptcy fraud can come in any number of different specific forms, as the exact practices of every individual bankruptcy fraud scheme can differ slightly. But on the whole, there are three primary types of bankruptcy fraud which are either perpetrated more often than any others, or are at the core of any given incident of bankruptcy fraud.For instance, a bankruptcy fraud migh..
29. What Are The Securities Fraud Overview
Congress passed the "Private Securities Litigation Fraud Act" in 1995 an effort to stop abusive securities fraud litigation in court. This act included two provisions: heightening pleading standards and automatic stay of discovery (defendants do not have to present documents to prosecutors if a valid securities fraud lawsuit is not brought against them).It is also important to ..
30. What You Need to Know About Charity Scams
Donating money to a recognizable organization gives people something to feel good about. Giving money to help the sick, homeless or less fortunate allows those who give to feel a sense of pride. However, there are people out there who take advantage of this feeling. Fake charities and organizations are set up to earn profits. These are quick money schemes that capitalize on the..