Types of Drunk Driving Accidents
What are Drunk Driving Accidents?
DUI Driving while under the influence (a DUI offense) is amongst the most common causes of personal injury, drunk driving accidents, and automotive-related death. When an individual ingests an illegal drug, alcohol, or a controlled-substance, their ability to safely and legally operate a motor vehicle is impaired.
DUI consequences can include slowed reaction time, drowsiness, lack of alertness, fatigue, and impacted motor skills - drunk driving accidents can be tried as acts of reckless endangerment in additional to DUI offenses. However, in the event that an individual causes personal injury or death as a result of a DUI offense, a vast array of additional convictions will be applicable within the DUI process of sentencing.
Types of Drunk Driving Accidents
The following are examples of the most common Drunk Driving Accidents that may exist in concert with an initial DUI offense with regard to DUI charges involving personal injury or death:
Sudden Death: A sudden death claim is a construct within a fatal drunk driving accident, which can convey that the injuries sustained by the participation in a drunk driving collision were directly responsible for the fatality associated with the DUI offense
Eventual Death: In the event of a fatal drunk driving accident, the DUI conviction in question must be proven to be directly contributory to the subsequent death of any or all individuals involved in a drunk driving accident
Vehicular Manslaughter: The DUI process of conviction defines Involuntary Manslaughter resulting from a drunk driving accident as a type of manslaughter resulting in an individual’s wrongful – or untimely - death as a result of the events that had taken place resulting from a DUI or DWI; although Vehicular Manslaughter may retain a lack of intent within a DUI-incited death, culpability on the part of the individual presenting a DUI defense exists – punitive recourse suggested by the victim’s family will typically fashion sentencing
Aggravated DUI Manslaughter: In the event of DUI cases resulting in the death of an individual, the death may be charged as aggravated DUI Manslaughter; this type of DUI charge will typically be reliant on the blood alcohol content level, in addition to any prior criminal history illustrating multiple DUI charges – legal consultation with a DUI attorney with regard to DUI convictions that result in any form of personal injury, damage, or death is encouraged
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC): In a legal spectrum, blood alcohol content is defined as the amount of alcohol that is present within an individual at the time of the investigation with regard to Drunk Driving Accidents; the content of alcohol in correlation to its prominence in the bloodstream of an individual illustrates this physiological analysis – the investigation of blood alcohol content allows law enforcement agents to gauge the level of intoxication displayed by an individual at the time of a Drunk Driving Accident.
Due to the fact that the presence of alcohol – as well as illegal drugs and controlled-substances - can be monitored through this type of medical analysis, this provides for the substantiation of a presumed state of intoxication that is considered to be admissible in a trial; however, this admissibility is contingent upon the process of the collection of evidence is done in a fashion that is congruent with any or all expressed legal stipulations and parameters.
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