Missouri Traffic Fines
A Brief Introduction to Missouri Traffic Fines
There can be a great divergence in Missouri traffic fines, which punish severe violations with severe Missouri traffic fines and lesser violations with lesser Missouri traffic fines. The system can be difficult to navigate and the understand, but the better you understand it, the better able you will be to know whether you should pay your Missouri traffic fine or fight it in court. Here are a few pits of essential knowledge for anyone who might have to pay Missouri traffic fines.
A Sampling of Missouri Traffic Fines
Depending on the moving violation that they’ve committed, drivers may be giving a way a day’s pay for Missouri traffic fines or a month. Knowing how large your Missouri traffic fine will be help you prepare for paying it, so the following bulleted list of violations and their associated fines should be marked as an important resource to drivers charged with moving violations:
• 1-5 mph over posted speed limit: $73
• In construction or work zone: $108
• In work zone with workers present: $323
• 6-10 mph over posted speed limit: $83
• In construction or work zone: $118
• In work zone with workers present: $333
• 11-15 mph over posted speed limit: $108
• In construction or work zone: $143
• In work zone with workers present: $358
• 16-19 mph over posed limited: $133
• In construction or work zone: $168
• In work zone with workers present: $383
• 20-25 mph over posted speed limit: $208
• In construction or work zone: $243
• In work zone with workers present: $458
• Over 25 mph above the limit has a mandatory court appearance and an even greater fine
• Failure to stop at red light or stop sign: $83
• Careless and imprudent driving: $133
• Following too closely: $83
• Improper passing: $183
Disciplinary Point System
The state of Missouri considers driving a privilege and therefore punishes drivers who violate the rules of road harshly, not only with direct Missouri traffic fines but with indirect fines due to the disciplinary point system. With the system, points are added to your license which note to your insurer that you’re an “at risk” driver who should pay more in premiums.
In addition, if you accumulate at least 8 points in 18 months, you will have your license suspended for 30 days. Accumulate 12 points in 12 months, 18 points in 24 months, or 24 points in 36 months and you will have your license suspended for an entire year.
Here are a few of the point values assigned to different violations in addition to the Missouri traffic fines:
• Speeding: 3 Points
• Careless & Imprudent Driving: 4 Points
• Knowingly Allowing an Unlicensed Driver to Operate a Vehicle: 4 Points
• A Felony Involving a Motor Vehicle: 12 Points
• Obtaining a Driver License by Misrepresentation: 12 Points
• Operating a Vehicle with a Suspended or Revoked Driver License: 12 Points
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