Uncontested Divorce Nevada
How to Get an Uncontested Divorce in Nevada
An uncontested divorce in Nevada is called a “Joint Petition for Summary Decree of Divorce.” In it, both parties agree to a divorce and all of its terms. The state of Nevada has at least two ways to file for uncontested divorce in Nevada, depending on whether or not the spouses are parents.
Nevada Summary Divorce without Children
It is considerably easier to get an uncontested divorce in Nevada if you do not have children. This makes sense, since the state has in place several regulations aimed at making sure that a child’s wellbeing is looked after. In order to file for an uncontested divorce in Nevada you need to fill out the following forms with your spouse:
• Family Court Cover Sheet, identifying yourself and your spouse for the court’s knowledge;
• Joint Petition for Divorce, specifying the civil action requested and stating grounds;
• Affidavit of Resident Witness, in which a witness swears that you’ve lived in Nevada for at least the past six weeks, since they’ve seen you at your address several times during that period;
• Decree of Divorce, in which the judge finalizes the divorce and makes clear the judgment concerning the separation’s terms;
• Certificate of Mailing, demonstrating that you have notified the other party of the uncontested divorce in Nevada;
• Affirmation, in you confirm that everything you’ve written in the other forms is true. The Affirmation will need to be filed each time that you file a form, so you’d be well-advised to make several copies of it.
Nevada Summary Divorce with Children
Even though it is harder to proceed with an uncontested divorce in Nevada if you have children, the situation is far from unmanageable. With a little planning, you can start the process of moving on with your life in just a few short months. Most of the same forms are needed as if you file without children, but a few are in different versions, such as the Joint Petition for Divorce.
In addition, you’ll need two new forms:
• Child Support Identification sheet, in which financial information is given, with a support order being deduced given Nevada legal standards from that;
• The Welfare Party Identification sheets, in which both parties are named and their addresses given for the various state welfare agencies.
Depending on the laws in your local district, you may also need to attend a program about divorcing with children before you can get an uncontested divorce in Nevada.
The Process of Uncontested Divorce in Nevada
In general, you will begin by filling out all the above forms except the Certificate of Mailing and the Child Support Identification sheet. Make three copies of each and bring them to the courthouse, where you will also have to pay a filing fee. Make sure your spouse sees the complaints and petitions after they’ve been turned in and then file the Certificate of Mailing. Then send out the Child Support Identification sheet by mail.
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