Spousal Support Calculator Michigan
Guide for Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan
How do I find a Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan?
You can find a Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan on this website. The calculator is constructed using specific Michigan law and general procedures for alimony. If you want to refer to government codes that refer to the Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan, you may want to visit the official website of the Michigan Legislature. One of the main codes that addresses conditions for a Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan is Section 691.1302 Definitions: Revised Structured Settlement Protection Act.
Please not that Michigan’s laws only indirectly address alimony. The Michigan Court of Appeals mandates that all spousal support must be based on case to case. In fact, in 2010, the Michigan Court of Appeals overturned a strict mathematical formula that was used by a county court to determine spousal support. The specific case was Myland v. Myland (No.292868) in which the court deemed should be no formal Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan.
There are still provisions for forming your own Spousal Support Calculator in Michigan, however. You may want to refer to the following in order to determine how this website’s Spousal Support Calculator is used:
Michigan Code 691.1302(e) states the following:
Spousal support may change depending on a party’s “imminent financial hardship.” If any of the following circumstances occur after the first structured settlement, the amount of spousal support may change:
1) Medical care for the supporter’s dependents, or a significant increase in medical costs for the supporter
2) The supported needs a reasonable change in living quarters
3) The supported needs to purchase a vehicle that is necessary for transportation to work and the child’s activities. This is only a consideration if the supporter had no suitable transportation before.
4) The supported needs to further their education or job training skills
5) The supporter has accrued significant debts from paying child support, spousal support, a tax lien, funeral expenses, or a judgment.
The Spousal Support Calculator on this website is also constructed using common factors that will usually determine the final settlement:
1) The length of the marriage
2) The age and health of each party.
3) Does the supported spouse need to maintain the same standard of living as they did during the marriage?
4) What is each spouse’s level of education, professional skills, or unique jobs skills?
5) How much is the supported spouse allowed to work because of the children?
6) What is a proper amount of time in which the supported spouse needs to further their education and job skills in order to become self-supported?
7) What divided assets and liabilities are in each spouse’s possession now?
8) What was each party’s contribution to the maintenance of the marital property?
9) Was either spouse denied opportunity for significant employment because of their responsibilities for the children or home?
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