Spousal Support Calculator California
Guide for Spousal Support Calculator in California
How Do I Calculate Spousal Support in California?
You can reference a Spousal Support Calculator in California on this page. If you want to refer to government forms that instruct you on the Spousal Support Calculator in California, you should visit the official website of the Judicial Court in CA. The form that provides the Spousal Support Calculator in California is Form 157 Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Statement.
Please note that a judge always makes a final decision on the spousal support calculator. California requires a judge to look over the Declaration Statement and make a final decision unless both spouses have jointly agreed on the Spousal Support Calculator in California.
The following conditions are used for the Spousal Support Calculator in California:
Family Code Section 4320(a)(1)
• What training, job skills, and work history does the supported party have?
• What is the current job market for the jobs skills of the supported party?
• What time would the supported party need to seek education or training to develop the job skills listed above?
• What time or education does the supported party need to develop more marketable job skills or employment?
Family Code Section 4320(a)(2)
• Provide facts that indicate the supported party’s earning ability is higher or lower than what it might be because of periods of unemployment for domestic duties.
Family Code Section 4320(b)
• Provide facts that indicate the supported party made contributions to the education, training, career position, or technical license of the supporting party.
Family Code Section 4320(c)
• Does the supporting party have the ability to pay spousal or domestic partner support or not?
• What is the supporting party’s current gross income from employment only?
• What is the supporting party’s current income from investments, retirement, or other sources?
• What is the value and balance of the supporting party’s assets?
• What is the supporting party’s standard of living based on vacations, real estate, investments, vehicles, and credit card use?
Family Code Section 4320(d)
• Does the supported party need to maintain the standard of living during the marriage or not?
Family Code Section 4320(e)
• What are the supported party’s values and balances on assets and obligations?
• What are the supporting party’s values and balances on assets and obligations?
Family Code Section 4320(f)
• What was the length of the marriage or domestic partnership?
Family Code Section 4320(g)
• Is the supported party able to work without interfering with the interests of the child in their care?
Family Code 4320(h)
• What is the petitioner’s and respondent’s age?
• What is the current health condition of both the petitioner and respondent?
Family Code Sections 4320(i-n)
• Is there any evidence of domestic violence between the parties as defined in Family Code Section 6211?
• What are the immediate tax consequences for each party?
• What is the balance of hardship on each party?
• Has either spouse lost support because of abuse and criminal conviction according to Family Code Section 4325?
• Does the supported party have a reasonable goal for self-support within a reasonable amount of time?
• Are there any other factors the court may consider?
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