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76. Alimony in Oregon
The term alimony is not commonly used in Oregon as alimony is typically conceived as a punitive measure against husbands in fault-related divorces. Instead, alimony in Oregon has evolved to a spouse support system that makes payments to the needier spouse in a divorcing couple, regardless of gender. Court ordered spousal support is now the standard for most instance..
77. Alimony in Pennsylvania
The idea of alimony in Pennsylvania divorces is a new one, with laws providing for alimony in Pennsylvania being instituted in 1980. Alimony is gender neutral and will be paid to either spouse when the court determines that it is both reasonable and necessary for the spouse to receive such payments. The standard applied to alimony varies by court and the facts of th..
78. Alimony in South Carolina
The Laws of Alimony in South CarolinaIf you’re acquiring all the means to handle a divorce in the state of South Carolina with all the documents necessary – Family Court Cover Sheet, Summons for Divorce, Complaint for Divorce, Financial Declaration, etc. etc. – you’re going to find out real quick that all the written documents in the world won’t solidify a chance for ..
79. Alimony in South Dakota
The Basics of Alimony in South DakotaWhen it comes to divorce, no petition is equal. This is especially true when considering the state you live in. So without a doubt, if there are two spouses wondering what to do about the possibility of alimony in South Dakota, this is what they would need to know:Firstly, the Definition of Alimony in South DakotaWhat is alimony? For those w..
80. Alimony in Tennessee
The Laws of Alimony in TennesseeListen, friends: this isn’t child support where kids are in need of clothing, food, transportation, and just about everything else. This is about alimony – alimony in TN, to be exact.And that’s a completely different set of rules, and sometimes those rules even change depending on the situation of the divorce!How is alimony in Tennessee fig..
81. Alimony in Texas
Texas law makes it easy for couples who can cooperate during the divorce process to minimize the expenses involved in the legal process. Alimony in Texas can be applied for as part of a written agreement drafted by the couple and submitted along with a joint petition for divorce. It is simple enough for spouses to create a legally acceptable document detailing the terms of thei..
82. Alimony in Utah
The purpose of alimony is to prevent a spouse from becoming destitute after being dependent on the spouse being divorced. This was more relevant when only one spouse made substantial income that supported the household, but is now less common due to the equaling of income among spouses and the changing roles of partners in a marriage. Still, there are no statutory g..
83. Alimony in Virginia
When a marriage is terminated, it is easiest for both spouses to guarantee a relatively cheap divorce by creating a written agreement that can be submitted to a judge for approval. This document covers such potential areas of dispute as child support payments, child custody arrangements and details of alimony in Virginia.Like many states, Virginia allows for three different kin..
84. Alimony in Washington
The Basics for Alimony in WashingtonThere are divorce cases in Washington that may involve one spouse not obtaining assets or acquiring an estate of some kind due to the property distribution that would benefit the spouse financially. It’s those cases that may deem something called ‘alimony’ in Washington that is completely necessary for the court to order.These are the b..
85. Alimony in West Virginia
The Basics of Alimony in West VirginiaIn many cases, a divorce can bring out a few ‘unfair’ consequences on either spouse, which is why it’s important to consider every possible remedy to make the process as fair as possible – such as fair and equitable property distribution methods, child support, suitable child custody stipulations, and then of course, something requi..
86. Alimony in Wisconsin
Alimony has evolved into gender neutral spousal support agreements that aim to balance divorce settlements equitably. This ensures that in the absence of martial property, that the financially dependent spouse does not become impoverished as a result of the divorce. This is a concern as that would increase the public benefits burden on the state. Therefore, th..
87. Alimony Overview

88. Alimony Payments
The divorce process often requires one spouse to provide the other with financial compensation. Alimony payments can be awarded on a permanent or temporary basis based on a number of different factors. No two states’ guidelines concerning alimony are the same. Here are some things to look into if you are trying to estimate the kind of alimony payments you may request or be re..
89. Alimony States
When a couple separate, often alimony payments are awarded as part of the divorce settlement. All states in the US are alimony states, meaning that they have laws specifying how such payments are evaluated and awarded. These guidelines can very extensively. Here are a few things to keep in mind when estimating how much alimony you may request or be liable for.Types of alimonyNo..
90. All About Permanent Alimony