Louisiana Divorce Forms
Quick Guide to Louisiana Divorce Forms
Louisiana divorce forms are easy to come by and quite easy to fill out. All of the LA divorce forms are listed under the official website of the Family Court division of Louisiana State Court. There are 20 Louisiana divorce forms offered to people who want fill out and submit the documents alone.
Even though most of LA divorce forms are easy to fill out, you should always seek the legal advice of a family law attorney before initiating a divorce. A lawyer will make sure there are no mistakes within any of the documents that would delay or even affect the final result of your case.
Below of are some of the LA divorce forms offered by the Family Court:
Default Confirmation Under Article 1702 E
This document is a simple LA divorce form and asks simple questions like when separation occurred and whether there are any children. The form must be signed by an attorney verifying all of the information is correct and dated correctly.
Form A: Expense Affidavit This form is a complete list of all finances involved within the divorce. Louisiana’s expense affidavit is easier to fill out than other states and includes the following:
• Gross monthly income
• Itemized payroll deductions
• A complete list of all living expenses
• Educational and other expenses
• Total amount of fixed debt
Child Support Worksheet R.S. 9:315.9(B)
This LA divorce form asks for very detailed information regarding child support. You should seek the advice of a lawyer when filling out this document, which includes the following:
• Monthly gross income
• Monthly adjusted income
• Combined monthly adjusted gross income
• Percentage share of income
• Basic child support obligation
• Shared custody basic obligation
• Each party’s theoretical child support obligation
• Percentage
• Basic child support obligation for time with other party
• Total expenses and extraordinary expenses
• Proportional shares
• Direct payments
• A total recommended child support order
Form F- Certification of Applicant’s Attorney
This Louisiana divorce form makes an attorney list all documents and dates they recommended for the client. Similarly, the document also asks what recommendations a lawyer didn’t notify a client about.
Louisiana Civil Code Article 102 Divorce Form
This form must be filled out by an attorney and given to the court on the date of the hearing. The form is for filing purposes and confirms that the divorce may legally proceed.
Application for Ex-Parte Temporary Custody Order Article 3945 B(1)
This form is used to gain immediate custody of a child that is in the care of the other parent. The form states that immediate and irreparable injury will result to the child or children named in the petition if they aren’t returned immediately. A spouse must list specific reasons why they child must be returned.
Judgment of Partition of Community
This LA divorce form serves as a final financial statement before the trial is closed. The document lists all payments that must be paid to each spouse and what property must be given to each spouse.
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