Life After Divorce for Men
What About Life After Divorce for Men?
It’s hard to believe that there’s such a thing: life after divorce for men. In the case of men suffering from an unwanted divorce, it’s nothing but difficult, particularly when involving children.
So what is a man to do? How can a man – even worse, a father – survive the trying times of divorce?
There is hope….
1. A Vacation
Obviously! When life after divorce for men occurs, the obvious route for men who never wanted to divorce is to fall into despair. They may even think that life isn’t worth living. Some even equate divorce with death. And the truth is they’re not far from that idea.
But a vacation can make life after divorce for men a process of healing, by which they earn experiences that may change their outlook on life, enjoy some of what the world has to offer –
Visit Egypt, the pyramids, the desert. Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef right outside Australia. Do something to experience your life in a different way. It can only make life after divorce for men that much bearable.
Unfortunately, vacations don’t last forever…. But there are other ways to keep coping with life after divorce for men.
2. Friends and Family
They can provide a wealth of encouragement. Even if there’s no particular closeness to family. Sometimes the issue with a nuclear family maintained by a marriage is that the extended family and even friends get left behind. In all the hustle and bustle of maintaining jobs, a marriage, kids, the rest fall by the wayside.
Looking at the bright side, it just so happens that life after divorce for men can rekindle some of those relationships with family and friends, those relationships that were forgotten for so long.
And they can provide a good amount of help to get back into the groove of life.
3. A Journal or Diary
I know. It sounds cheesy. But it works. Sometimes family and friends can be so far and few between that the only recourse to provide some relief from the despair is…yourself!
That’s right. Reconnecting with yourself can be tremendous therapy. Take up writing, take up poetry. Write a daily journal or diary. It’s a healthy way to deal with your feelings and can definitely lead to healing if done consistently.
The point is to be honest with yourself. No doubt, too, that it can improve the ‘relationship’ with the ex-spouse, especially when involving children. Nothing hurts more than a divorce that causes pain even after the actual decree or judgment was awarded in court.
4. Home Improvement
It might sound superficial, but no matter how you look at it, the bottom line is this: you’re not married; therefore, you’re a bachelor or bachelorette!
This means you have control over your own money. Or at least most of it if you’re paying child support. So treat yourself from time to time.
Buy new furniture, landscape, build additions to the house you live in. Do whatever. Whatever makes you happy. If it nourishes you, it can’t be wrong. Just don’t go overboard with it!
Divorce Doesn’t Have to Be Disastrous
It can be hard, no doubt. But life doesn’t have to be. Men can rise up and make things happen, make joy arise out of nothing, even. All it takes is some connection, experience, living, and maybe some more loving one day….
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