Idaho Divorce Records Online
Idaho ‘s divorce records, along with other vital records are centralized into the Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics. This does not mean however, that you may access the Idaho divorce records online. Idaho divorce records are not public information and remain confidential for fifty years after the divorce has occurred. Those wishing to view a specific divorce record online must comply with procedure set by the BVR, submit the appropriate forms and fees and most importantly show identification, as well as proof of relation to the party named in the divorce record.
Obtaining a certified certificate
To obtain a certified divorce record, you must complete the Idaho Vital Statistics Certificate Request. Obviously the divorce must have occurred in Idaho for there to be a record present. On the form you will note information about you, your relationship to the certificate and your contact information. You will sign this form and present a photocopy of a government issued ID for the application to be valid.
The vital records form covers all vital records, so you will need to find the section devoted to divorces. Each copy requested on this form will cost you $13 plus a $5 fee for rush orders. All records are available for divorces occurring in 1947 or later. For non-rush orders, you can expect the application to take 5 – 7 working days to be verified.
Only immediate family, legal guardians or legal representatives may order certificates and you will be required to show proof of identity.
Online processing
You may order the Idaho divorce records online through VitalChek, which is authorized by the Idaho government to process payments and forward requests to the BVR for divorce records. This process is subject to the same rules of identification as well as service fees from VitalChek, if applicable. Vitalchek is also the credit card processing entity for the BVR and fees are at the discretion of the third party.If ordering through VitalChek via fax, you must write a letter with the following information:
Type of certificate (birth, death, marriage, divorce)
• Full name on the certificate
• Date of event
• City of event
• Name of both spouses
• Your relation to the person whose certificate you are ordering;
• Purpose for the certificate
• Your return address
You will also provide a photocopy of your identification and a contact number.
Using a third party
VitalChek is the only service approved by the state of Idaho to process payments on behalf of the Idaho DoH. All other affiliations claimed or implied are false and many third parties that offer to facilitate you receiving divorce record documents are likely to charge exorbitantly for a process you can complete easily on your own.
Idaho divorce records are not public information and no party can help you view Idaho divorce records online. Even to check for a certification of divorce you will have your identity verified, meaning that there is no easy way, via subscription or otherwise, to access Idaho divorce records online.
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