Idaho Divorce Forms
Quick Guide to Idaho Divorce Forms
Idaho divorce forms are some of the easiest forms to fill out within the entire country. In order to view the forms and packets, you need to visit the Self-Help Center of the Idaho Supreme Court. The Center provides divorce packets that are completely interactive, and an automated service takes you through every step of the packet. The automated service basically completes the ID divorce forms for you by asking you a large number of questions.
Even though the service is interactive, the official government website even notifies its users that they should seek the legal advice of a family law attorney. The interactive service doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll end with properly filled-out Idaho divorce forms. A family law lawyer will oversee the ID divorce forms and tell you what to do within the court.
The following Idaho divorce forms and packets are listed on the Idaho Supreme Court’s website:
1) Custody Complaint Packet: the complaint packet serves as a tool for resolution if the parents are in relative agreement about the children and custody. The following information is needed if you want to fill out this Idaho divorce form:
• Completed Idaho child support worksheets
• Completed Parenting Plan and Income Affidavit
• You and your partner’s full legal name, birth date, mailing address, and phone numbers
• Minor children’s full names, birthdates, and current addresses
• Living arrangements of the minor children for last 5 years
2) Divorce with Minor Children Complaint Packet: this Idaho divorce form is used if you want a divorce for irreconcilable difference and the parent’s and children have lived in the state for at least 6 consecutive months. The following information is needed if you want to fill out this form through the interactive process:
• Idaho Child Support Worksheets and Parenting Plan
• Income Affidavit
• Spouse’s full legal name, birth date, current mailing address, and phone numbers
• You and your spouse’s employer name and attorney’s name
• The date, city, and state of your marriage
• Minor child’s full legal name, birth date, current address, and living arrangement for last 5 years
• Any separate property, community personal property, and community real property that you or your spouse would like
• Legal description of real estate
• Outstanding debts
3) Divorce by Default (No Minor Children)- this divorce form is completed through the interactive tool and serves as the official document to finalize your divorce in Idaho. You need the following information in order to complete the form:
• You and your spouse’s full legal name, mailing addresses, and all contact phone numbers
• You and your spouse’s attorneys’ names
• The date, city and state of your marriage
• Separate property, community personal property, and community real property that you and your spouse have agreed to split
• Legal description of real estate and outstanding community debts that you and your spouse have agreed to split
The Supreme Court’s website also provides interactive services for the following ID divorce forms:
• Separate and Community Personal Property Exhibits
• Divorce Complaint Packet with No Minor Children
• Divorce by Stipulation Packet with No Minor Children
• Family Case Answer Packet with No Minor Children
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