Divorce Mediation Maryland
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Maryland
How can I find a divorce mediator in Maryland?
There are great resources for divorce mediation in Maryland, and the majority the information you’ll need can be found on the official government website of the Maryland Court under the section of Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO). The services provided by MARCO include four strategies you can use for finding services for divorce mediation in Maryland:
1) Check your local telephone directory and check the yellow page under Mediator
2) Check to see if you have any community mediation centers.
3) Go to your local Clerk’s office at the Circuit Court and ask for a detailed list of all current divorce mediators in your area. These lists must be updated and contain the training, background, and level of experience of each person offering services for divorce mediation in Maryland.
4) Search the directory of Maryland Dispute Resolution Professional that is printed by the Program on Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland School of Law.
How do I start divorce mediation in Maryland?
MACRO recommends you do several things before hiring a mediator and beginning the mediation process. You should do the following:
1) Interview the qualified person by telephone and ask them questions about their background, training, and experience as a mediator.
2) Ask them if they have handled similar cases as yours and the results they achieved in those cases.
3) Ask for references. The state of Maryland allows you to contact people who have used divorce mediators and ask them how their case went. This method serves as a great way to get the results you want.
How much does mediation cost in Maryland?
Every case is different, but mediators in the state of Maryland will generally charge around $200 per hour or another amount that is ordered by a court. If the service is done through a community agency, the cost will be much less, but most community agencies do not help in divorce mediation in Maryland. A mediator can charge hourly rates for time spent on your drafting your agreements as well.
What qualifications does my divorce mediator need in Maryland?
You can find the qualifications for mediators under Title 17-104 Alternative Dispute Resolution. The qualifications are as follows:
1) Unless waived by the court, a mediator must be at least 21 years old with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
2) Must complete 40 hours of mediation training
3) Complete a 8 hours of Continuing Mediation-Related Education every two years
4) Meet all standards adopted by the Court of Appeals
5) Submit a monitoring document from time to time that is ordered by the court and administrative judge. This document for divorce mediation in Maryland lets the judge know of any complaints the mediator has had against them and what results that have obtained from certain cases.
6) Meet the procedures and requirements under Rule 16-202(b) for diligence, quality assurance, and willingness to accept a reasonable amount of reduced-fee or pro bono referrals.
For more details on the qualifications your divorce mediator must have, visit MACRO and look under the Title 17 Alternative Dispute Resolution and Chapter 100 Proceedings in Circuit Court.
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