California Divorce Forms
Quick Guide to California Divorce Forms
California divorce forms are both complex and many in number. The Judicial Branch of California’s official government website has a complete list of all CA divorce forms for families with and without children, as well as forms for domestic partnerships. If you are filling out the California divorce forms by yourself, you should make note that some documents are much hard to fill out than others.
If you are seriously considering divorce, you should talk with a family law attorney before you start filling out any forms. A court may not even accept CA divorce forms if you didn’t wait long enough after separating, and the courts won’t accept a form that is incorrectly filled out. A family law attorney can help you fill out the correct forms, fill them out in the right order, and help you submit them at the correct time.
The list below contains a comprehensive list of all California divorce forms you may need:
1) FL-100- this Petition-Marriage document is for the official filing for divorce
2) FL-103- this Petition-Domestic Partnership/Marriage form is like FL-100, only for domestic partnerships
3) FL-105- this Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act document lists everything that will influence the amount of child custody each parent receive. The form asks for current child custody arrangements, histories of abuse within the home, and the addresses of both the parents and children within the last five years.
4) FL-110- this Summons document tells the respondent about their time limit to respond to the petition and makes the respondent sign in understanding of these procedures.
5) FL-115- this Proof of Service of Summons form specifies that the respondent has filled out all the correct information such as an FL-105 form and any other form that may influence child custody.
6) FL-120- this Response-Marriage form specifies any debts and assets that fall under the ownership of each spouse. These include any debts owed to the community.
7) FL-123- this Response-Domestic Partnership/Marriage form is like FL-120, only for domestic partnerships or marriages
8) FL-130- this Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers form specifies responsibilities and rights for each parent as far as child custody and child support.
9) FL-140- this Declaration of Disclosure document includes a checklist for all required documents that will let the divorce process move along to a final hearing. All of the checked documents must be attached to this form in order for the form to be complete.
10) FL-150- this Income and Expense Declaration is a more complete and detailed document that lists all the possible expenses and wages of either the respondent or petitioner. This California divorce forms is one of the most complicated and thorough forms, and the assistance of a lawyer is highly recommended for this form.
11) FL-160- this Property Declaration form is a final tally on how all property will be claimed and distributed.
12) FL-161- this Continuation of Property Declaration form is an extension of FL-161 and further lists all possible debts and wages
13) FL-180- this Judgment form formally declares the conditions of the divorce, attaches all documents together, and finalizes the divorce process
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