Alimony Calculator Virginia
A Short Guide to the Virginia Alimony Calculator
What is a Virginia alimony calculator?
Alimony calculators exist to help attorneys and their potential clients in estimating their eventual alimony award by looking at a variety of financial variables. A calculator requires a mathematical formula, and only one place in Virginia uses such a formula so that the Virginia alimony formula is accurate, Fairfax County.
How does the Virginia alimony calculator work?
Remember that the Virginia alimony calculator is only truly law in Fairfax county, and even there it is meant only to be used for temporary orders. However, those temporary orders often turn into permanent ones, and this Fairfax Virginia alimony calculator has had a great influence across the state.
To use the Fairfax Virginia alimony calculator, just follow along here:
1. Multiply the payor’s Gross Annual Income by 0.30. The payor is the spouse paying alimony, and Gross Annual Income is the total earned in a year before taxes, minus any costs associated with running a small business or being self-employed.
2. Multiply the payee’s Gross Annual Income by 0.50. The payee is the spouse requesting alimony.
3. Now subtract the result of Step #2 from the result of Step #1. That is to say, you calculate your annual alimony order by calculating 30% of the payor’s Gross Annual Income minus 50% of the payee’s Gross Annual Income.
4. To find the monthly payment, just divide the result of #3 by 12.
If you’d like, consider the marriage between a lawyer who makes $100,000 per year in Gross Annual Income and a salesperson who makes $30,000.
$100,000 times 30% is $30,000,
while 50% of $30,0000 is $15,000.
The difference between the two is $15,000, so the monthly payment will be $1,250 according to the Virginia alimony calculator.
Are there exceptions to the Virginia alimony calculator?
There are many exceptions to the above Virginia alimony calculator, especially outside of Fairfax County where it is no longer the law but rather a useful tool that is simply used by many lawyers. However, even in Fairfax County, these three very important exceptions to its rulings exist:
1. One party is assigned fault for the divorce in an at-fault divorce. Here, the alimony can be seen as something like punishment for misconduct such as adultery.
2. Payment of other important expenses such as a mortgage or other child support payments, where the court-ordered alimony fees may be impossible to keep up with.
3. When both parties have incomes of more than $10,00 each year.
What types of support does a Virginia alimony calculator estimate?
There are many different types of alimony that a person in Virginia can suffer from. They include:
• Permanent alimony: Usually only ordered in long marriages of five years or much more, allowing one partner to live at a standard of living similar to their previous one.
• Alimony Pendente lite: Temporary alimony, only active during the divorce procedure.
• Rehabilitate alimony: Meant to help an individual gain the education they need to find appropriate employment.
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