Child Support Laws By State
Every state will have different laws regarding child support, but there are a few commonalities. The failure to pay child support has severe consequences for noncustodial parents. They may have their license suspended, as well as civil penalties and possible incarceration. In the event that you feel your child support obligation is an unfair burden, you should contact a child support lawyer. Refusing to pay child support is not only a poor choice, but will certainly lead to harsh penalties such as the forced garnishment of wages and a diminished credit score. If you have certain objections to how the child support payments will be spent, a child support lawyer can help you establish child support guidelines to force the payments to be spent on certain aspects of childcare, such as education expenses. A lawyer will be necessary for such cases of having a non-biological parent as the legal parent of the child. This would be the case for anyone that has signed a voluntary establishment of paternity upon the birth of the child.
Child support claims in Alabama are enforced by the CSE Division that helps custodial parents establish paternity, obtain orders for the payment of child support and ensure compliance with existing orders of child support. Child support payments in Alabama will depend on a few factors, including the gross income of both parents, contributions to insurance and daycare, number of children involved, and the existence of other children that the noncustodial spouse is paying support to. In instances where there are multiple orders for support, the amount of support is determined proportionally. Payments made through income withhold are processed by the Alabama Child Support Payment center and that payment is disbursed via check, direct deposit or debit card, depending on the preference of the custodial parent.
Child support in Alaska is administered by the Alaska Child Support Services Division which assists custodial parents in securing child support payments. Among the mechanisms for enforcement, the Alaska Child Support authorities can arrange such penalties as automatic income withholding as well as confiscating tax refund checks and dividends from the Alaska Permanent Fund. The Alaska Permanent Fund divides revenue derived from the state’s petroleum resources. The Alaska CSSD is able to deal with unique circumstances and laws defining child support obligations for Alaska residents. Child support payments can be made through wage withholding or in person, in the CSSD office in Anchorage. There are additional CSSD offices in Juneau and Fairbanks.
The Arizona state authority for child support is the Division of Child Support Enforcement and one of its primary functions is helping locating noncustodial parents. Arizona authorities can enforce the payment of child support by organizing income withholdings, license suspension and even suspending lottery winnings. Child support arrangements can be modified in the event there is a change in the financial status of either parent and the changes will take six months to be reflected in the payments due. Payments can be made in person at a DSCE office or online. In instances where there are delinquent payments of $5,000 the non-custodial parent will be labeled a child support evader and will be subject to investigation by state authorities.
Arkansas child support falls under the jurisdiction of the Office of Child Support Enforcement which is a part of the Division of Revenue within the Department of Finance and Administration. PCSE support is free and mandatory for those on public benefits as child support payments are necessary to supplement public benefits received from the state. All others will pay $25 for OCSE services, including establishing paternity and locating non-custodial parents. Child support payments are primarily enforced through income withholding but other actions, such as forced deductions from public benefits, seizure of personal property for auction and suspension of licenses are also actions that Arkansas can take against non-custodial parents that are delinquent on child support payments. Non-custodial parents that miss six months of payments or owe more than $5,000 will have an arrest warrant issued against them as well as be labeled as a child support evader by the state.
California state authorities can help with locating a non-custodial parent to pay child support. This will include with working with authorities in other states to track down child support evaders. The state of California provides ombudsmen for child support cases and all child support services are free for all persons in California. That state does not automatically review child support cases, so a revaluation is by request only. If one has any questions on California child support law or would like to request specific services to determine paternity, custodial rights or a revaluation of payments, a free ombudsman will be able to help assist with your claim. Child support orders in California are enforced through income withholding, passport denial and the refusal of a number of other state services, including, licenses and unemployment benefits.
Among the unique provisions in Colorado law, all children are covered by a health insurance mandate that forces the parent to provide private health insurance even if some services provided by Medicaid. This cost is split by both parents. Child support in Colorado is pegged not only to the income of the parents, but also the measure of what families with comparative income spend on their children. The child support obligation depends on the number of visitations the non-custodial parents are allowed as well as associated child care costs. Colorado state authorities can withhold a number of state benefits for the on-payment of child support, denying the evading on custodial parent licenses, lottery winnings as well as reporting the delinquent debt to credit bureaus.
Child support services are available under the Connecticut Department of Social Services, Bureau of Child Support. The primary function of this bureau is to locate child support evaders by searching federal records and cooperating with other state child support agencies. Child support debts of as little as $150 for children on public assistance will be reported to the IRS and debts exceeding $500 will be subject to liens on personal property. Child support services in Connecticut are not free but are low cost, with a $10 fee for locating a non-custodial parent, $25 for general services, $15 to intercept the tax refund of a non-custodial parent, and $122.50 to the IRS to collect owed child support payments when the non-custodial parent has been located. There is an additional $4 surcharge for attempting to find a non-custodial parent without providing a social security number. The state can also sue parents that do not accept paternity for the child and refuse to make the necessary payments.
Delaware child support authorities can locate missing non-custodial parents by searching through a number of databases and cooperating with federal and state authorities. Non-payment of child support is typically achieved through withholding of wages through wage attachment. This may be achieved through cooperation with the IRS to intercept tax refunds. Delaware authorities will also seize property and report debts to credit bureaus to ensure that non-custodial parents meet their obligations to the children. Child support services are provided by the Division of Child Support Enforcement office which maintains a number of locations throughout Delaware. Child support payments are determined by a formula that is simpler than other states with considerations for the net income of both parents, number of children and the cost of daycare. There are not mandated considerations for insurance and medical expenses. A judge makes the final determination on child support payments and can determine the final balance of payments as well as guidelines on how it should be spent.
District of Columbia
Child support services are provided under the Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Services Division. The amount of child support is determined through guidelines that use factors such as the income of the parents, number of payments sent or received through other custody arrangements, public benefits, medical expenses and insurance costs. There is also a provision for “extraordinary” medical expenses that are accrued while raising the child. Additional considerations are made for self-employment and the taxable income generated through self-employment. Through this comprehensive formula, guidelines will be determined that will give both parents an idea of how much child support will need to be paid. Payments can be made by mail or online through an electronic payments automated clearing house network. Different PO boxes are maintained for different types of support payments to be made by parents, employers and state agencies.
Florida child support payments can be processed by the Florida Department of Revenue for $25. With this application the Florida child support authorities will establish paternity, order child support, serve as the intermediary for the collection of payments, review existing agreements and ensure the payments are keeping with guidelines set by the state. The custodial parent seeking support is obligated to keep all appointments with the child support services, maintain court appearances, and provide documentation that can help authorities locate noncustodial parents. Failure to meet these obligations will cause the state to close the child support case. Child support arrangements can be reviewed every three years or if there is a permanent and significant change to the income of the custodial parent or the needs of the children have increased substantially. Florida child support authorities can be contacted at 1-8000-622-KIDS.
The Georgia child support authorities can take a number of actions against non-custodial parents that fail to meet their child support obligations. This includes withholding tax refunds, lottery winnings and reporting the debt to credit agencies. Serious violations of child support arrangements may lead to the incarceration or the on custodial parent. With the payment of child support and agreement with the custodial parent, non-custodial parents are entitled to visitations every other weekend, alternating holidays and 1 -2 months in the summer. This can be reached through court order if the parents cannot come to an agreement on their own. Medical insurance is mandatory for children in Georgia and child support payments can be modified depending on which parent has the more affordable insurance option and can provide that option for the children.
The Hawaii Child Support Enforcement Agency falls under the auspices of the Department of the Attorney General and ensures that both parents contribute to the financial well-being of the children. All payment are made electronically and disbursed through direct deposit. Those that do not have a bank account for direct deposit will be issues a debit card through the state authorities. There is an annual fee of $25 assessed by the Hawaii Child Support Enforcement Agency as long as payments have been collected from the non-custodial parent in excess of $500. This fee does not apply to families on public assistance. The Hawaii child support authorities can take action for the on payment of child support and also help custodial parents establish paternity including genetic testing.
The child support authorities in Iowa are the Child Support Recovery Unit that helps Iowa families establish paternity and secure child support payments. The Child Support Recovery Unit can set up arrangements such as income withholding for non-custodial parents to avoid nonpayment and accidental no-compliance with court ordered arrangements. Alternatively, payments can be mailed to the CSRU center in Des Moines, Iowa. Payments are disbursed either through direct deposit into the custodial parent’s bank account or a bank card issued by the state. You may contact the Iowa CSRU at 1-888-229-9223 for information on locations and services that you may need.
Idaho child support authorities provide services similar to other states involving finding non-custodial parents and legally establishing paternity. Idaho state law ensures that the child will have sufficient medical coverage, including compliance with any provisions in child support orders that mandate medical insurance coverage for the children. Idaho Child Support Services require a $25 fee to open cases plus additional fees for court orders and services provided such as genetic testing. Child support payments are disbursed either through direct deposit into the custodial parent’s bank account or by a debit card issued by the state. The amount of child support is determined with considerations to the income of the parents, cost of medical insurance and number of children involved.
Child support payments are managed by the Illinois Department of Health and Family Services and works to establish paternity, order child support and help to modify child support payments if there is a change in the financial status of either parent. In the event of non-payments by the non-custodial parent, their assets can be seized and professional licenses suspended due to non-payment. Sizeable assets include savings and cd accounts. A collections agency may also be involved, depending on the size of the debt. The primary means of child support collection is through income withholding from the non-custodial parent’s employer. Like other states, Illinois will freeze accounts or withhold tax refunds and lottery winnings for non-payment of child support.
The Indiana Child Support Bureau, though the Office of the Attorney General, is responsible for providing typical child support services, including establishing paternity and pursuing penalties against child support evaders. Any resident of Indiana receiving state or federal public benefits are required to pursue the child support benefits for which they are entitled, to supplement the income they receive from public assistance. This reduces the public support burden of the state. Unlike other states that have separate child support offices, child support services are provided by the local county prosecutor’s office and the fee to initiate a child support case is $25. Child support payments are disbursed via direct deposit of a commercial debit account card. Some counties will still dispense payments through checks, as they have yet to adopt electronic disbursement.
Child support in Kansas can be established for any person that takes care of the child regardless of the legal implications of custody. Parents that do not have physical custody of the child may still receive services to receive any payments that may be due to them. The state, though the Kansas Child Support Laws and enforcement Office can help establish paternity and enforce child support payment orders. Families on public assistance must pursue child support that is owed to them to supplement state benefits. There are two services provided, a location service and full service. The location service charges a nominal fee to located non-custodial parents so that the person with custody can sue the for child support benefits. With full service, families can establish paternity and modify child support payments. All public assistance families must utilize full services. In the event that collections must be made across state lines there is a 4% fee paid to the state.
The Kentucky Division of Child Support is a branch of the Kentucky Department of Community Based Services. When attempting to locate a custodial parent, you should provide as much information as possible, preferably with a social security number, employer information and the names of relatives and friends. Child support payments are determined with consideration for the financial status of the child, income of the parents as well as medical needs. Child support payments must be made until the child is the age of 18, or 19 if the child is still in high school. If you require a modification of a child support payment, you may contact Kentucky child support services for a case worker that can help you review and modify orders every three years.
Child support services in Louisiana are provided by the Department of Social Services, Office of Family Support. Families can utilize services to determine guidelines for child suppose. Cases in Louisiana are divided into three categories, intake, collection and parent location. Intake is the category where there are no orders for child support or paternity it yet to be established. Collection, as the name implies are cases where the non-custodial parent is delinquent in the payment of child support and remedial actions must be taken. Location cases will require the case worker to use existing databases to track down the parent evading a child support obligation. Child support services in Louisiana are free for families on public assistance and $25 for all others.
Child support enforcement in Maine is the responsibility of the Division of Support Enforcement & Recovery in the Office for Family Independence. Utilizing Maine child support services, one can make their payments online as well as contact case workers for assistance with their case. This assistance includes establishing paternity, ensuring the proper payment of child support obligations, enforcing the provisions of child support payments that require medical expenses and locating missing parents. One can obtain Maine child support services until the child reaches the age of majority, paternity has been disproved or the debt owed to the family is less than $500. Cases may be terminated if the on-custodial parent is incarcerated, has not assets or has been committed to a mental health facility.
The fees associated with seeking Maryland child support services is $25, assessed one time, to open a case. Families on public assistance need not pay this fee. The state of Maryland will furnish lawyers to take your child support case in order to receive an order for child support from the non-custodial parent. These lawyers can also secure health insurance either from the parent or the parent’s employer that deducts the cost of insurance from the parent’s wages. Maryland child support services will also work with the employer in the event that the non-custodial parent lives outside of Maryland. In this way, they will be able to set up income withholding to ensure compliance with the child support agreements. Maryland child support services can enforce these decisions against child support evading parents by intercepting tax refunds, denying licenses of any kind and referring accounts to private collections agencies.
Obligations for child support will vary depending on the nature of the arrangement between the parents. Custodial parents are required to pay the initial $100 of uninsured medical expenses for the child before seeking more money for this purpose from the non-custodial parent. The Massachusetts child support guidelines take into consideration the income of both parents - including benefits, time spent parenting the children, the costs of childcare, health insurance costs and the number of the children in the agreement. In cases where both parents split parenting time equally, the amount of child support is calculated twice alternating the roles of the parent as the custodial parent with the parent with the lower support obligation paying the difference between his or her obligation and the obligation of the other spouse.
Child support claims in Michigan are the responsibility of the Michigan Child Support Enforcement System and the county prosecutor handles claims to establish child support obligations. Non-custodial parents are obligated to pay child support until the child turns 18, or 19.5 if the child remains in high school. Only then can a child support obligation be terminated. Medical support is also a mandatory provision in Michigan child support obligations and is determined on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, childcare support is necessary if the custodial parent must use the services of a childcare service while working or seeking education. Income withholding is that mandatory means for paying child support in Michigan, unless the parents establish alternate provisions for the payment of child support. These payments are processed by the Michigan State Disbursement Unit. Child support claims can be reviewed every two years or if there is a significant change in the financial status of either parent.
Minnesota child support is not determined by a chart, as is common in many states. Rather, there are simple guidelines modified based on the circumstances of both parents. Based on a scale that factors net monthly income and number of children, a parent that makes $650-700 a month can expect to pay 18% of that salary to one non-custodial child. That number rises to 20% if the parent makes between $750 and 800 a month. The percentage can be as high as 38% for a non-custodial parent making an excess of $1,000 a month with four or more non-custodial children. There will be additional penalties on the parent for a history of refusing to pay child support. Child support arrangements are automatically reviewed every three years.
Child support arrangements are under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi Child Support Laws Enforcement Office. All Mississippi residents receiving public support must seek the services of the child support state authorities. All others pay a one-time fee of $25 to handle their child support needs. This authority can be used to prove or disprove claims of paternity through genetic testing if paternity is not established through court order. Child support must be paid until the child is emancipated and the age of emancipation in Mississippi is twenty-one, much later than other states that require support until the age of eighteen. If there is no income withholding arrangement agreement, payments can be sent to the Central Receipting and Disbursement Unit in Jackson, Mississippi.
Child support payments in Missouri are made twice a month, but the non-custodial parent is usually eligible for visitation rights. The Missouri standard for child visitation is every other weekend, four to six weeks during the summer and alternating holidays. The Missouri state authorities will garnish wages from the non-custodial parent to ensure proper and timely payments made to the custodial parent. Medical insurance for the child is mandatory and is the parents cannot decide, the state will pick the parents with the better insurance plan and modify the support plan as necessary. Child support is terminated at the age of 18 or whenever they finish high school. Child support may also terminate when the child works more than 15 hours a week. Non-custodial parents can be ordered to continue paying support if the child pursues higher education. State authorities can also take actions to establish paternity and locate parents that are missing to ensure they pay the necessary support to the children.
The Montana Child Support Enforcement Division automatically serves families on public assistance to serve as a supplement to these benefits. Fees for families not on public assistance are scaled according to household income with families making over $20,000 paying the maximum $25 fee. Children must have medical insurance coverage in Montana and the amount of child support will reflect this. Child support arrangements can be reviewed every three years or in the event that either parent experiences a significant change in finances, such as unemployment or a windfall. Payments are usually disbursed electronically through debit cards, but a conventional paper check can also be issued. Montana authorities can work with authorities in other states to ensure that the proper payments are made.
North Carolina
The fee for the use of services is $25 although this can be reduced to $10 for families in need. The North Carolina Child Support Office can locate non-custodial parents as well as help establish paternity. For families on public assistance, child support arrangements are reviewed every three years. As with other states, reviews of child support arrangements can happen every three years or in the event that the financial circumstances of either parent changes significantly. In the event of non-payment of child support, the non-custodial parent can be faced with jail time, interception of tax refunds, revocation of passports and licenses and placing liens on personal property. Child support can be paid through income withholding, bank drafts or through check payments.
North Dakota
The North Dakota Child Support Unit can help locate non-custodial parents through new hire reporting or interview of friends and relatives. The state authorities can also establish paternity through genetic testing which will entitle the custodial parent to collect child support benefits. The ultimate amount of child support payments is determined in court at the discretion of the judge. The primary means to pay child support is through income withholding and the employer may charge an additional $3 fee to process the income withholding payments. The North Dakota Child Support Laws and Enforcement Division is located in Bismarck and can be contacted at (701) 328-3582.
Child support services are mandatory for Nebraskans on public benefits and available at request for other families. The state authorities will assist in establishing paternity, finding non-custodial parents and providing guidelines for the appropriate level of child support. A man can disprove paternity, even if he agreed to paternity at the birth of the child through DNA testing. This child support order can be modified every three years or if there is a significant change in the financial circumstance of either parent. Nebraska law only allows the State Review and Modification Unit an adjustment to less than 10% to the court order.
Child support services are administered by the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services under the Department of Health and Human Services. There are three major offices located in Reno, Elko and Las Vegas, with each providing services for the surrounding counties. Child support can be collected by anyone that is raising the child, regardless of relation or custody. Health insurance is mandatory for all Nevada children and will factor into the court mandated support order. Non-custodial parents must pay support until the child is 18 or finishes high school at the age of 19. Child support orders can be reviewed every three years at the request of either parent.
New Hampshire
The Division of Child Support Services under the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for child support in New Hampshire. The main office is located in Concord, New Hampshire and can be reached at 603-271-4745. Among the services provided, there are mediation services for the parents to help determine visitation rights and support issues. Additionally, there is workplace assistance available for non-custodial parents that must maintain payments to the custodial parent. A non-custodial parent is obligated to pay 25% of gross income to the custodial parents, up to 45% for 4 or more children. There are other financial obligations that will be considered and the final decision will be made by a judge. These decisions can be reviewed every three years or when there is a change in the financial status of either parent. Payments can be made through income withholding, as well as mailing directly to the child support regional processing center.
New Jersey
The failure to pay child support in New Jersey can result in up to six months of jail time. As a result, it is important to be timely with payments and set up an income withholding arrangement to ensure that payments are made. Payments end when the child is emancipated, usually at the age of eighteen. Medical insurance is mandatory for children in New Jersey and the court, at its own discretion can assign a parent to pay for insurance. The court may also assign visitation if the parents cannot come to an agreement, generally every other weekend, one or two evening dinners per week and a few weeks in the summer, plus alternating holidays.
New Mexico
Child support falls under the responsibility of the Child Support Enforcement Department which can assist in determining paternity. By New Mexico law, if a man accepts paternity on the birth of the child, he had only sixty days to revoke this claim before it becomes a finding of paternity. The fees for child support services for families not on public support are higher than other states, with a $60 fee to locate an absent parent, $250 to establish paternity and $150 to take enforcement action against the delinquent parent. Tax interception will cost $25. Other fees will be assessed for testing, the use of an expert witness and filing fees.
New York
Parents can agree on an appropriate level of child support to cover the needs of the child. The state will seize bank accounts, benefits, tax returns and suspend licenses for parents that do not meet their child support obligations. Child support payments are automatically garnished from wages and paid to the custodial parent. Child support in New York State usually ends when the child turns 21but can continue if the child is disabled. Failure to pay on child support debts will impact one’s credit report as well as disqualify several benefits such as unemployment insurance.
Child support in Ohio falls under the jurisdiction of the country Child Support Enforcement Agency and services are available for free to those that are on public assistance and for one dollar for those that are not. CSEA can help establish guidelines on the probably amount of child support that will be paid to the custodial parent. Child support orders will generally be paid through income withholding and can apply to wages as well as benefits, awards and endowments. Failure to pay on child support obligations will lead to credit reporting, license suspension and even jail time if the parent is found in contempt of court.
The Oklahoma Child Support Enforcement Division can help to locate custodial parents, establish paternity and collect payments. There are no fees involved with seeking the services from the CSED. Those on public benefits will need to complete forms with the CSED to ensure that support payments supplement their public assistance benefits. The non-custodial parent is obligated to provide medical insurance for the child if such insurance is available at low cost to that parent. Child support guidelines consider factors such as gross income, expenses and number of children involved. This amount can be adjusted every three years, but only if the adjustment exceeds 10% toward the obligation for either parent. Payments can be made to the Oklahoma Centralized Support Registry in Oklahoma City.
The Division of Child Support is responsible for child support payments in Oregon. Child support payments are determined using set guidelines and if either parent is unhappy with the determination, then a hearing can proceed until they is a judgment on the proper level of support. Non-payment of ordered child support will lead to bank account and income garnishment and credit reporting penalties. You may contact Oregon child support services at (800) 850-0228.
Parents can come terms of a child support agreement amicably and have the agreement certified by a judge. The non-custodial parent can then make contributions accordingly through income withholding. Medical insurance is mandated for all children in Pennsylvania and either parent can provide this for the children. Child support ends when the child reaches 18 years of age but can continue at the request of the custodial parent to pay for college expenses.
Rhode Island
Child support services for those living in Rhode Island are free for families on public assistance an $20 for all others. These services can help facilitates payments and create an electronic record in case of the non-payment of child support. Additional services include establishing paternity, enforcing court orders and modification of child support orders.
South Carolina
Child support enforcement in South Carolina falls under the Child Support Enforcement Division. The fee for this service is $25 but free for families on public assistance. The $25 fee is only accrued when $500 or more is recovered for the custodial parent. The CSED can help to establish paternity, locate out of state non-custodial parents and order hearings to determine child support payments. Some custody payments may be used to repay public benefits granted to the custodial parent.
South Dakota
The Division of Child Support provides child support services to custodial parents in South Dakota. The DCS can help locate noncustodial parents and establish their paternity. DCS also enforces penalties on child support evaders by ensuring their licenses are suspended and wages garnished as well as possible jail time and criminal penalties for the failure to comply with child support orders.
Tennessee child support authorities can suspend driver’s licenses and take other actions to ensure the timely payment of child support. The non-custodial parent’s income and number of children that require support determine child support. One child would receive 21% of the net income, 33% for two, up to 46% for four children. Payments are garnished automatically from the non-custodial parent’s paychecks. Medical insurance is mandatory for all children in Tennessee. If the parents cannot come to a visitation agreement, then the court will determine a visitation plan that involves visits every other weekend, 4 to 6 weeks in the summer and rotating holidays. Child support terminates at the age of 18 or graduation from high school.
Child support in Texas is very different from other states. For one, the non-custodial parent is required to provide health insurance, even if the custodial parent has an insurance plan. This is not calculated in the child support determination. The garnishment of wages is the mandatory under Texas law, as this will ensure that payments are being made. Child support is determined by the number of children with 20% for one child, and up to 45% for six or more children. Child support ends when the child becomes emancipated, married, or turns 18. Texas authorities will deny licenses, confiscate property and lottery winnings for the non-payment of child support. Non-custodial parents are entitled to see their children and the court will decide a visitation plan if the parents do not agree.
Child support services are under the Office of Recovery Services. Number of overnight stays, gross income, parenting arrangements and number of children living with each parent determine child support. CSS can establish paternity as well as take actions against delinquent parents. The Utah CSS assesses fees of $5.00 per child support payment, up to $10 a month.
The Vermont office of child support can help custodial parents establish parentage, order the non-custodial parent to pay for medical support, modify existing agreements. There is a nominal fee of $5 to record and register payments but all other services are free. That fee is paid monthly. The Vermont OCS can also pursue administrative remedies and court orders against parents that are delinquent in their child support obligations including automatic wage withholding.
Virginia child support authorities will take a number of actions against delinquent parents including credit reporting and suspending state licenses. Wage garnishment is the common means of paying child support and the state is able to disburse these payments to the custodial parent. If the parents cannot determine a visitation agreement, then the court will decide on their behalf with some weeks in the summer, alternating weekends and holidays.
Washington child support arrangements are enforced by the Division of Child Support and provide services such as paternity establishments, payment processing and locating delinquent parents. Any and all forms related to child support are processed at the DCS central services location in Tacoma, Washington. Child support determinations are made with respect to the earnings of both parents and the generally accepted needs of the child. You may request the adjustment of child support benefits as long as the adjustment would result in an increase or decrease off 100 dollars or more and represent an increase or decrease of 25%.
West Virginia
The Bureau of Child Support Enforcement deals with child support payments in the State of Washington as well as establishing paternity and tracking delinquent noncustodial parents. There are no fees to use BCSE services. Child support payments are made until the child turns 18 or graduates high school, whichever is later. Payments can be extended if the child enrolls in vocational school.
Child support services are free for Wisconsin residents on public assistance. Wisconsin law states the legal father is the man married to the mother at the time of the baby’s birth. All other cases will require paternity testing. Parents can also establish voluntary paternity. Wisconsin child support guidelines state that 17% of the non-custodial parent’s income will be required for one child, up to 34% for five or more children. Failure to meet child support obligations will entail severe civil and criminal penalties
Wyoming Child Support Services can help establish paternity locate non-custodial parents and review/modify existing child support agreements. Families not on public assistance will pay a $25 fee for the use of state services. Wyoming CSS can take a number of enforcement actions on delinquent parents including wage garnishment, suspension of licenses, and intercepting tax refunds. Child support payments are determined by formula, unless the parents can come to an agreement on their own accord. The judge will have the final say on child support payments.
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