North Carolina Driving Test Questions
Is it legal to make a right turn on a red light?
Drivers may turn right on red if there is no oncoming traffic or pedestrians in a crosswalk.
Is it legal to use a cell phone while driving?
Drivers are legally permitted to use their cell phones to carry on conversations while operating a vehicle. It is not legal to text and drive.
Do back seat passengers have to wear a safety belt?
Yes. All drivers, front and back seat passengers must wear a safety belt in North Carolina.
Are children allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck?
Children 16 and under are allowed to die in the back of a pick-up truck if an adult is present or there is a safety belt.
How close may a vehicle be parked to an emergency vehicle?
Vehicles may not be parked any closer than 100 feet from any emergency vehicle that has stopped.
Is it legal to pass another vehicle on a hill or curve?
If there is no visibility in all directions for 500 feet, drivers may not pass another vehicle on a hill or curve.
When is it legal to park a vehicle on a highway shoulder?
Vehicles may not park on a highway shoulder unless they can be seen from at least 200 feet away from all directions.
How close may a vehicle be parked to a fire truck?
Vehicles may not be parked within a block of a fire truck within city limits. In rural areas, a vehicle may not be parked closer than 400 feet away from a fire truck.
If two vehicles approach an intersection at the same time, who has the right of way?
The driver on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right.
Is it legal to drive around lowered railroad gates?
No. Even if no train can be seen approaching, drivers are not permitted to drive around lowered railroad gates.
Do funeral processions have to obey traffic signals?
Funeral processions may not go through an intersection until there is a green light. However, once the first vehicle has gone through the rest of the funeral procession may follow without regard for the traffic signals.
Is it legal to drive through a funeral procession?
No. Once a funeral procession has begun driving through an intersection, they must be given the right of way until all vehicles have passed.
How strong should high-beam headlights be?
High-beam headlights should illuminate at least 200 feet in front of any vehicle at night.
How loud should a horn be?
A horn should be audible for at least 200 feet.
When is the use of headlights required?
Headlights must be used by all drivers from dusk to dawn, or in any conditions where visibility has been restricted to 400 feet ahead or less.
How many sides does a stop sign have?
Stop signs have eight sides.
How many sides does a sign warning of a school zone have?
These signs have five sides.
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